The Mummy Slash Manip
Art: Manip
Fandom: The Mummy + The Mummy Returns
Pairing: Ardeth Bey/Jonathan Carnahan
Rating: PG-14
Warnings: None
All right, here I am again with a new manip and a new fandom. Who knows the Mummy films? Remember that incredibly hot Arabian warrior, the Med-jai Ardeth Bey? Aye, the one with the multiple tattoos all over his body (and don't we all want to know how far down they go...? XD). This is a manip for him and Evy's easy going brother Jonathan - not the most obvious pairing, I know, but you might have noticed by now that I like rare or unusual pairings. I hope you like it! Oh, and I'm writing on two fanfics for the pairing, one is at some 19.000 words - more to come - and the other is finished (which is the sequel, actually XD - my writing order is weird, I think...)
Ok, so this manip is for my dear
minionofsekhmet who, I think, has been craving to see this for a while now. I hope I can live up to your expectations with it - and I'll go right back to writing now, I want to finish that story on them...
PS: And my question to
megan_moonlight : Do you think I can convince you to like Ardeth/Jonathan with stuff like this? Or do I have to try harder? XD