Can't Believe it?
Yes it Happen to me recently!
NCIS UST live studio (2011.06.16)
After singing 「Falling Pieces」they take a lilbit break and short chat & suddenly ~
Hinatch says somethin like (with my Limited nihongo understand)
"Someone from Indonesia watching Us"
then directly
Taku said "ナンさ~~~~~ん"!!
OMG MY NAME! MY COUNTRY! Their realize bout me!!! I'm DIE!!! How can, my name is called by my idol!
No regret to be their fans (after retire from flumpool of course hahaha HIDOI XP~)!
+ Hinacth still remember bout my places too <3. To bad I dun know how to recorded the UST video but (few) of my friends have witnessed with me XP~, but hopefully someone recorded...I want hear my name called again, again, again!!
They so kind!
My twitt already replied by all member (beside the Riida coz he dun have an twitter ID) XDDD~ . Twice for each member's!
1st by Hinacth
2nd by Taku
It's not only BOUT SURPRISE but this is Good feeling Miracle feeling: them saying "they'll wait for you to seem them live." Taken from
yejinzaiI MUST GO THERE NEXT YEAR coz is our promise for three of us!!!!
3rd by
And Last
1 arrived , 1 more still waiting for my 「echo」~ stupid
PA =="