One more try...

Jun 04, 2011 16:13

I always start off with such grand plans, and then I just FAIL. So I thought I would try again. Late, of course, because June just kind of ~snuck~ up on me.

This idea kind of hit me, and I know *mostly* how it goes, I just have to figure out one situation and I'm golden. Also, draw the darned thing.

It's a Doctor Who comic, because Doctor Who is amazing. It takes place after 'The Doctor's Wife', because I hadn't seen the next two episodes when I started trying to figure out the story line, and I'm not about to try to deal with stuff that just happened, and also that is happening today.

All you need to know from The Doctor's Wife is that the TARDIS is the Doctor's time and space ship, and she is definitely a female, it's canon, we've established it.

One through five. I hope the lettering is going to be big enough. If it's not, let me know, I'll go in and change it. :D Also, that's Rory, in case anyone is confused. Had a little bit of trouble drawing the poor guy...



I think Rory's face palm on page four is my favourite drawing.

*edited to add* The pony at the end is the Doctor, actually. Sorry guys, I'm going to have to figure out an easier way to tell these doods apart. He'll have a fez on, an hour glass cutie mark, and he's the Princess Celestia type body versus the normal one. Amy and Rory will be normal sized ponies.

GRANTED none of that shows up in this face view! n____n I'll have to figure out some way to make which character it is we're seeing pony-fied clearer. :)


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