For those of you in and/or watching this community, I've got a question:
Have any of the icons you've saved from nani_gifs ever looked too fast or sped up?I switched to Firefox as my browser recently and noticed the timing on many of the icons is way fast. They looked fine on Internet Explorer but I'd prefer them to look fine on both. I'll be
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Comments 20
However, if there really is no slowdown, that'll save me the trouble of re-timing and reposting.
You said in your userinfo that it doesn't hurt to make a request, so here's mine: Have you seen Bridget Jones' Diary? You know the bit where Daniel calls her on FR Leavus (sp?) being dead, and along the bottom of the screen, Bridget's handwriting writes "fuuuuuuuuuuuck"...? Cos that would make SUCH an awesome icon... : )
I've never seen any of the Bridget Jones movies, actually. (And am probably the only woman on earth who hasn't!) I can only consider/fulfill requests from movies or shows I've seen, so at this time I'm not doing any Bridget Jones. I tend to icon more obscure subjects, so the possibility is slim atm. If I do see it and love it though, there's always a chance I might make them on a whim.
Because I hate seeing people go away empty handed (salesperson reflex) may I suggest checking with some Bridget Jones communities? Someone may already have iconed that scene.
If you do get around to seeing them, I think you'll find loads of iconnable scenes!
I've checked around some of the comms with no luck, but thankyou so much for the suggestion, that's really lovely of you... : )
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