Title: Amnesia is Stupid. Chapter 4.
Author: nancygrew
Rated: G
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Warning: Medical stuff isn't particularly accurate.
Notes: Futurefic. Takes place ~late August 2014. AU after Reid drives off to Bay City. This muli-part fic takes place after my fic Jade Stays at Luke and Reid's place.
Summary: Amnesia fic. Stupid
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Comments 4
And this made me giggle so hard:
"We’ve decided that Lowell probably isn’t a cyborg," Mr. Snyder informed Reid. "Good to know," said Reid. "Although that would be awesome." LOL They are so playful together. :) Can't wait for this spider to catch his sexy fly!! ;)
LURE were always cute together on the show - bickering or working together. *sigh*.
Rawr!!! <3
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