The Fundraiser - a fanfic

Oct 08, 2010 19:45

Title:  The Fundraiser
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Futurefic.  AU after Reid drives off to Bay City to get a heart for Doogie.  Takes place ~early September 2012, after my fic Housewarming.  You do not have to read any of my other fics in order to understand this one.  Luke/Reid, Paul/Emily, others.  Every time I think I'm done writing fic, I get another dumb idea and have to write about it.
Warning: characterbashing [Lily, mystery guest]
Summary: Reid and Luke are having a fundraiser for the Luke Snyder Foundation

Dr. Reid Oliver looked around at the silver spoon crowd packed into the home he shared with his husband Luke Snyder. How did he end up with the kind of life where he co-hosted parties in a sleek showplace of a home for the Scrooge McDuck set? Life had been so much simpler a few years ago when he worked most waking hours and occasionally relaxed by reading medical journals in the barely furnished condo in which he lived alone. Just then he caught a glimpse of Luke who was smiling beatifically at Betsy Stewart and her daughter Danielle Andropolous who had recently restarted the defunct Andropolous Construction company. Luke was thoughtfully explaining the need to raise funds for a new pediatrics wing at Oakdale Memorial that would save countless lives and improve the quality of life for so many others. Reid smiled gently at the thought that he had somehow ended up with a relationship full of love and commitment and bickering and steamy sex. Someday he would have to tell Bob Hughes that he had been right about a personal life not being a complete waste of time.

As one of the tuxedoed servers passed him, Reid grabbed a napkin full of delicious morsels. He hummed as he nibbled on his treasured canapés. A polished blonde woman and a brunette man with a rather lustrous mane of hippie hair soon approached Reid. He recognized the woman as Emily Stewart who owned some kind of yellow journalism tabloid and the man as her husband Paul Ryan who was some sort of businessman and who was once married to Meg Snyder: The Nuttiest Snyder Ever.

"Emily, Paul," said Reid as he nodded at them. He didn’t have any idea why they would be approaching him of all people. Maybe they needed directions to the bathroom.

"Good evening, Reid. I wanted to tell you how amazing your home is. Your architect did an amazing job of turning an old warehouse into a stunning home. I would love to do an article about you and Luke and your home for The Intruder," said Emily.

"I’m sorry but neither Luke nor I are involved in any scandals," replied Reid.

"Well, it would, of course, be my preference if I could do a story about Oakdale’s Power Couple being involved in illicit gay orgies or in a black market organ ring," said Emily. "But my readers also enjoy looking at House Porn and reading about High Society in our Lifestyles section."

Reid looked absolutely appalled at being thought of as a member of High Society. "I would rather poke my eyes out with a spork."

"That would get you on the first page of The Intruder," stated Paul. Emily seemed completely unperturbed by her perpetually somnambulant husband’s statement regarding her newspaper’s tabloid nature.

"It would be great publicity for the Luke Snyder Foundation," said Emily. "I see Luke over there approaching his Aunt Iva. I’ll go over and ask him." Emily nodded politely to Reid as she strutted away.

"Holy crap," said Reid as he tried to hurry after the woman who planned to turn his private life into some sort of sideshow attraction. He wasn’t about to let that blonde dynamo ruin his well-earned reputation as a misanthrope. If he and Luke appeared in some Lifestyles section, it would completely destroy his rep as someone who was above frivolities. When Paul ‘accidentally’ blocked Reid’s way in order to give his beloved wife more time to corner Luke without Reid’s interference, Reid kicked his shin.

Reid, and a limping Paul, reached Iva, Luke and Emily just as Emily was finishing up her request for an interview and photo session. Much to Reid’s relief, Luke did not light up with excitement at the prospect of appearing in a tabloid newspaper.

"That’s an interesting offer," Luke said respectfully. "However, I’m afraid that neither Reid nor I am interested in publicizing our private lives. I’m sure you understand."

"Actually, Luke," said his Aunt Iva. "This might be an excellent opportunity to publicize your foundation and some of the work that we’re doing. It’s all well and good to have cocktail fundraisers where you raise thousands and thousands of dollars from people with a lot of money but it would be really great to get a wider range of people involved. Even if they make very small donations, or just volunteer time on some of our projects, the impact could be huge."

"I can totally appreciate that," replied Luke. "But it’s important that Reid and I have a private life."

"Emily, would you agree to the condition that one half of the article has to be about the foundation as opposed to Luke and Reid’s personal lives?" asked Iva.

"That would be totally acceptable but I want photos of this gorgeous home and of the handsome couple," replied Emily.

"Wait a minute," said Luke after exchanging bewildered glances with Reid. "Reid and I haven’t agreed to participating in this and we aren’t going to."

"Luke, think about all of the young gay boys and girls who are terrified about coming out or are out and are miserable because they’re being bullied," insisted Iva. "Seeing a real-life, happy, successful couple, who happens to be gay, would mean the world to them. Gays are incredibly underrepresented in all aspects of the media and these kids deserve to see that being gay is not an obstacle to having a loving relationship and meaningful careers and an amazing home."

"Iva, I can totally understand the need for gay role models in the media," assured Reid. "When I was a teen, the only gay character I ever saw on TV was that asexual gay guy on Melrose Place. But Luke and I don’t want to be gay poster children. It’s not fair to put the onus of representing all of the gays in Oakdale, all ten of them, on us."

"Do you remember what happened to that asexual gay guy on Melrose Place?" asked Emily gleefully. "He died! Yep, it was just one more example of the media making sure that all gay characters end up dead or miserable. TV and movies still follow this homophobic trope and it’s up to you and Luke to send out a message to young gays that being gay isn’t detrimental to having an enviable life."

Iva nodded in agreement. Luke and Reid glared at Emily. Paul looked down at the floor while trying to hide a smirk at wife’s sudden passion for the fair representation of homosexuals in the media.

"There’s also the fact that studies show that people become less homophobic the more they’re exposed to gay people," said Iva. "This article will show that Reid is a renowned neurosurgeon and the Chief of Staff at Oakdale Memorial and that Luke is the respected president of an international shipping company. You’ll be helping to change the minds of people who haven’t had the opportunity to know any gay people who are ‘out’ and proud."

"Do it for the children," advised Paul solemnly.

Reid and Luke looked at one another in frustration. "Iva’s just going to tell your grandma that we’re being uncaring of America’s gay youth and then Emma will refuse to make us pie ever again," Reid sighed to Luke.

"You can have as many photographs of the house that you want," said Luke to Emily. "But you can only have one picture of Reid and me."

"And we’re not going to be holding hands and skipping," huffed Reid.

"I’m sure that the photographer will prefer a picture of the two of you in a tub full of bubbles, anyway," said Paul. Reid wasn’t sure whether he thought Paul was really funny or really jerky.

"Two pictures of you and a bunch of pictures of the house," said Emily. "Iva, do you want to show me the rest of the house and we can decide whether we want to take nighttime or daytime shots?"

"That sounds great, Emily," said Iva as she led Emily away to tour the house.

"Maybe this won’t be a horribly embarrassing catastrophe," said Luke to Reid doubtfully. Reid tilted his head and just looked at Luke.

"On the bright side, this is Oakdale," continued Luke. "No matter how horrible this thing turns out, something scandalous is bound to happen within a couple of days of the article and no one will remember our appearing in a ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Gay’ in the Intruder."

"Your wife is the devil," Reid informed Paul. Paul shrugged agreeably.

Reid noticed that Luke suddenly became very still. Reid looked over to where Luke was staring. "For Pete’s sake," thought an aggrieved Reid as two men approached them.

"Noah, I didn’t know that you were back in town," said Luke in incredibly polite tones.

"Yeah," said Noah. "I just got into town today. I ran into Lily at Java and she invited me to your party tonight. I hope that was alright."

"Of course it is," said Luke in an excruciatingly civil manner. "Paul, Reid, I’m sure you both remember Noah Mayer. The gentleman with him is Mason Jarvis. Mason, this is my husband, Dr. Reid Oliver, and this is Paul Ryan."

Paul shook hands with both men. Reid rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe that Noah would show up without warning after more than two years with no contact with Luke. And with a date. Jerk.

"I hope that it was okay that I brought Mason," said Noah. "He and I are visiting his family in Oakdale for the week and I couldn’t abandon my boyfriend for the night."

"It’s no problem whatsoever," said Luke in a mannerly matter. "I’m happy that you felt comfortable enough to come. I hope that you’re going to have the time to see Faith, Natalie and Ethan while you’re in town."

Reid really hoped that Noah would have time to see Faith while he was in town. Faith hated Noah with a passion and it would be fun to see her, once again, light into Noah for being so Noah-tastic.

Paul couldn’t help but notice the tension. He had briefly met Noah at Snyder family functions when he was married to Meg and Luke was dating Noah. If he remembered correctly, Noah was a pleasant if bland young man who seemed to break up with Luke every other month.

"Mason Jarvis?" asked Paul suddenly. "I think Emily mentioned that name to me when she was doing a story about Oakdale University scandals of the past for The Intruder. Are you that pretentious film professor who was fired because you tried to bone your students?"

Reid snorted. He decided that he liked Paul.

"That was blown out of proportion," hissed Mason. "Luke viciously decided to ruin my life because I had developed feelings for Noah."

Reid was taken aback. Luke had never once mentioned the name of Mason Jarvis to him before.

"After Mason had told me that he was going to win Noah’s affections, I went to Damian with a DVD I had which showed Mason kissing Noah," Luke explained blandly to Reid. "I’m pretty sure that I just wanted to vent but Damian went to the dean with the DVD and Mason ended up being fired."

"Whoa, that’s what the infamous fireworks fight was about?" asked Reid while ignoring the presence of Noah and the scarf-wearing twit. "You never told me that it was about some liberal arts perv hitting on your boyfriend."

"Mason wasn’t really relevant to our relationship or to our breakup," explained Luke. "Noah wasn’t a cheater but Mason was his film adviser and Noah was angry about Mason getting fired in the middle of his project. He blamed me for Mason losing his job and for jeopardizing his film. He even kicked me off the set before he went to work on the fireworks."

Reid was pissed off. He didn’t think he had been this furious ever. "So let’s see if I have this correct. Even though Noah didn’t hesitate to turn you and Grandbaby Hughes in when you broke the rules, he was angry that Damian turned in the professor for breaking the rules?"

"Well, that makes sense," said Paul who didn’t mind feeding the flames of Reid’s anger. "Why would Noah want to have his professor fired if he knew that the guy lusting after him was bound to give him an A for his film?"

"I won an award for that short film," said Noah angrily.

"I’m pretty sure that Grandbaby Hughes told me that Luke was actually the guy who finished your lame movie after you were incompetent enough to blind yourself," hissed Reid.

"Reid," said Luke. "Please stop. This all happened years ago. None of it matters anymore."

"Another thing," said Reid ignoring Luke’s request. "If Noah kicked you off the set then that means that you weren’t distracting him while he was playing with fireworks without a permit. The way the two of you always blamed you for the accident, it made it seem like you were poking him in the shoulder, yelling in his ear while he was working on the fireworks."

"Reid, that’s enough," hissed Luke. "If you want to fight about this later, that’s fine. We’re in the middle of a fundraiser now and you creating a scene is embarrassing and unhelpful."

Reid was flabbergasted that he was somehow the villain in this farce. It didn’t help that Paul was giving him a look of utmost sympathy.

Luke softened immediately. He lifted a hand to Reid’s face. "I’m sorry. I know that you’re angry because you love me. But I promise that you don’t have to be angry on my behalf. Even though Noah and I never learned how to be successful as a couple, we did love each other once. I don’t regret our relationship. It’s a good thing that he was willing to come here tonight and it’s a good thing that he has someone to love. There are no bad guys here."

"I’m pretty sure Mason is a bad guy," said Paul in the interests of fairness.

"Sometimes people fall in love with people even when it’s not the most opportune time," shrugged Luke.

"That’s right," said Noah peevishly. "After all, you fell in love with my doctor while I was blind and helpless. You just threw away everything that we meant to one another because you weren’t willing to wait for me."

Reid actually laughed at the ridiculousness of that statement. "I kept my hands off of Luke until after you were broken up and you were dating that chump you were using to comfort yourself with until you got your eyesight back."

Suddenly an older man with a genial manner approached Reid and the others.

"Reid," he greeted cheerfully while shaking Reid’s hand and clapping him on the shoulder manfully. "How the Sam Hill have you been?"

Reid smiled at the man. "I’ve been great, Cal. How are you and how long are you and your son staying in Oakhell before running back screaming to Texas?"

"I’m fine and dandy," said Cal Stricklyn, Luke’s biological great grandfather. Cal walked over and shook Luke’s hand and clapped him on the shoulder. "Luke, you’re looking great. Reid must be taking good care of you."

"He’s a fiendish monster who steals all of the blankets at night," insisted Luke as he shook hands with Cal. "Cal, I’d like to introduce you to Paul Ryan, Noah Mayer and Mason Jarvis. Guys, this is Cal Stricklyn, the CEO of Stricklyn Oil."

"It’s nice to meet you boys," said Cal to the men who all responded with the same sentiment. "Hey, Luke, do you mind coming over with me to speak with Josh about the possibility of Grimaldi Shipping taking over the shipping for Stricklyn Oil?"

"I’d love the opportunity to talk with you guys about Grimaldi Shipping but I wouldn’t want you to decide to use Grimaldi unless you genuinely feel that we meet your needs," said Luke hesitantly.

"Hey, I’ve never been one to mix family and business," said Cal. "Grimaldi’s always had a good reputation and I’ve been impressed with some of the reorganization that you’ve done as president of the company. I’m thinking about retiring in a few months and moving back to Oakdale but I really want to consider moving our business to Grimaldi before I do."

"Okay, let’s go over to Josh and I can give you both some informal info about the company and then if you’re interested, we can set up a more formal presentation based upon your needs," said Luke. "Reid, I’m going to go talk to Cal and Josh. Do you want to come with me?"

"No, you go on ahead and do your business tycoon thing," said Reid. "I’ll stay here and catch up with our buddy Noah." Luke sighed at Reid’s stubbornness but he kissed him on the mouth. He added a little love smack to the cheek while he was at it. He nodded goodbye to the other men as he walked off with Cal.

As soon as Luke had walked away to charm Cal and his son into giving their shipping business to Grimaldi, Iva and Emily returned from upstairs.

Emily grabbed onto Reid’s arm. "You and Luke have the most amazing, beautiful home in the world. I cannot wait to get a photographer over here. I am so looking forward to writing about Oakdale’s Power Couple. I want to write about all of the success that you’ve had increasing Oakdale Memorial’s profile and expanding its services and updating its technology. I also want to include information about all of the great work that Luke’s foundation has done and how he’s became such a respected international businessman at such a young age."

Paul grinned at Reid’s discomfort at Emily’s excitement and manhandling. "Emily and Iva, I’m not sure if you guys have ever met Noah Mayer and his boyfriend Mason Jarvis. Moah, this is my wife Emily Stewart and this is Iva Snyder, Luke’s aunt."

There were polite handshakes. "Noah Mayer," said Iva. "I’m pretty sure that Lily’s mentioned you to me. Weren’t you and Luke college sweethearts?"

"The relationship was far more important and meaningful than just college sweethearts," said Noah while missing Mason’s look of disgust. "We were each other’s first loves."

"That’s very sweet," said Iva in a kindly manner.

"The name Mason Jarvis sounds familiar," said Emily. "Aren’t you the professor who left Oakdale U in disgrace because you had a thing for the firm, young flesh of your students?"

"Your wife is an angel sent down from the heavens," Reid informed Paul. Paul shrugged agreeably.

"Noah and I didn’t get together until long after he and Luke broke up," said an irate Mason.

"Huh. Noah was the student you were trying to molest?" asked an astonished Emily. "That would explain the rumor I heard about Luke breaking your nose. And Noah is actually dating his former stalker?"

"I’m sure Luke never broke anyone’s nose," assured Iva. "He’s the sweetest, gentlest young man in the world."

"He’s lucky I didn’t sue him," huffed Mason. Reid snorted.

"Emily, in the article you write about how awesome Luke and I are, both individually and as a couple, you should include the fact that he recently received a writing award for a short film that he wrote," said Reid. He hoped that the wannabe filmmaker would be insanely jealous of Luke’s foray into his realm.

"I hadn’t heard that," said Emily.

"Oh, it was such a great little movie," said Iva. "Luke had written the script a long time ago but some snotty professor said that it wasn’t right for a short film. Anyway, one of his college friends needed a script in a hurry and convinced Luke to let her film it. She did a great job on the movie. It’s a film noir that takes place in space. A studio recently made her and Luke an offer to expand the film into a full length movie."

"Oh my goodness," said Emily. "That’s so amazing."

"We’re all just thrilled about it," boasted a proud Iva. "He’s pretty tied up with work and school but he’s working on expanding the script to a full length movie. Luke and his friend showed the studio guy a rough draft and I’m pretty sure the guy was ready to offer them his firstborn for the chance to make the movie."

Reid had the sudden thought that the snotty professor who had thought that his script wasn’t good enough must have been Mason. He was smirking at Mason when Luke’s biological father, Damian Grimaldi, approached the group.

"Noah, I thought that I recognized you from across the room," said Damian smoothly.

Noah started. "Damian! I didn’t realize you were out of prison. Did you escape?"

Damian ignored Noah’s inquiry and turned his attention to Mason Jarvis. He recognized this man. As angry as Damian had been when he discovered how Noah had broken his son’s heart, he held a special enmity for the predator who had actively sought to destroy Luciano’s happiness. Damian delicately straightened Mason’s faux-silk scarf.

"You don’t want to be here," Damian coolly advised the man.

"Are you daring to threaten me?" asked an angry Mason. "There are witnesses here!"

"I’ve always found making threats to be so bourgeois," said Damian with a Mona Lisa smile. "Staying where you’re unwelcome will only serve to bring a great deal of unhappiness to you. I suggest that you turn around and walk away."

Reid was fascinated by the fear that leapt into the eyes of the former professor. He would have loved to know what exactly Noah had told Mason about the infamous Damian Grimaldi.

"Let’s go Noah," insisted a sneering Mason. "We’re artists. We don’t have to put up with this kind of disrespect."

Noah was obviously uncomfortable. He turned to Iva. "Could you tell Luke that Mason and I had to go but that I’d like to talk to him before I leave Oakdale?" Noah either didn’t notice or didn’t care about the frown that Mason sent in his direction.

"Sure, I’ll do that, Noah," said an Iva who was confused by all of the tension. She hadn’t realized that Luke and Noah’s break up had been other than amicable. She also hadn’t realized that the charismatic Damian could terrify someone as easily as he could charm someone. Reid watched Noah and Mason leave.

Damian turned towards Iva. "Iva, I was talking to young Carolyn Crawford of DeWitt Cereal over by the kitchen island about some of the initiatives that you’ve begun for the foundation. She is very interested in speaking to you about her company becoming involved in some of the work you’re doing. Are you available to come speak with her?"

"Of course," said Iva. "Will you all excuse me?" Reid, Paul and Emily nodded and Iva grasped Damian’s arm as he led her off to discuss donations with the young CEO of DeWitt Cereal.

"Wow," whispered Paul. "That was the first time I’ve seen Damian since that judge released him from prison because of Meg’s confession regarding drugging him. What’s it like having Lucifer as a father-in-law?"

"You should ask your wife," suggested Reid with a sneer.

"Point taken," nodded Paul.

"Iva told me that Damian and your Uncle Angus are both spending the week with you and Luke," said Emily. "I was surprised that you and Luke felt comfortable having Damian stay with you."

Reid shrugged. He wasn’t about to explain the sometimes tentative steps that Luke and Damian had made in their relationship after Damian was released from prison when it was determined that he wasn’t culpable for his actions. Damian was living in Malta taking care of Kingsley Malta but he had visited Luke and Reid a few times and Luke had gone out to Malta to let Damian introduce him to the workings of Kingsley Malta.

"I don’t think that I’ve met your uncle yet," said Paul noticing that Reid wasn’t interested in revealing Luke’s personal business.

"Look for the crankiest man in the room and that’s him," said Reid who was still getting used to the steps that he and his uncle had taken to establish a familial relationship. Reid ignored the smirk that Paul sent him. Reid knew that he was a fluffy kitty cat compared to Angus. Reid looked around to see where Luke was. He espied Lily Snyder first. If Reid had been a Terminator, his visual graphics would have read, "Identity verified. Lily Walsh Mason Snyder Grimaldi Santana Snyder Grimaldi Snyder. Mission: Terminate Immediately."

"Excuse me, please," he said to Paul and Emily before making his way over to his mother-in-law who was busy speaking with her mother Lucinda Walsh.

"I need to speak with you," Reid informed Lily who appeared startled by Reid’s barely hidden disgust.

"I don’t think now is the appropriate time for us to abandon Luke’s fundraiser," said Lily smoothly while patting her hair.

"If you don’t come up with me to my office right now, I’ll make sure that your son never speaks to you again," threatened Reid. He wasn’t a Grimaldi by any means but he could threaten and blackmail just as well as the next guy. He turned around without waiting to hear whatever else that Lily might say. He wasn’t surprised to discover that both Lily and Lucinda followed him to his office on the second floor.

He carefully closed the office door before turning towards Lily. "You are a self-absorbed, spoiled brat who drove one of your children to alcohol and another to drugs and an eating disorder before they were out of their teens."

"How dare you-" Lily began before she was immediately cut off by Reid.

"I don’t give a crap that you can’t stand me. I don’t even care that you still want to set up Luke with the jerk who broke his heart. But the fact that you would set up your own son and blindside him at an important fundraiser is disgusting," accused Reid.

"Whatever are you talking about, darling?" asked a befuddled Lucinda.

"Noah showed up tonight after not speaking to Luke for two years," explained Reid. "Apparently Mommy Dearest ran into Noah at his old brewing grounds and invited him to crash this evening without giving her son any warning at all."

"Oh, dear," uttered Lucinda in dismay. "Darling, you didn’t tell Luke that you had invited his ex-lover to attend this evening’s soiree? Have you gone mad?"

"I wanted to surprise Luke," defended Lily. "I don’t see what the big deal is. I wanted to do something nice for my son and I resent being treated like a bad mother."

"You’re a lying creep," claimed Reid. "You didn’t warn Luke because you were worried that he might not actually want to see the guy who threw him away like garbage. You wanted Noah to show up here tonight and for little hearts to appear in Luke’s eyes when he looked at Noah for the first time in years. You still have that fantasy that Luke and Noah are the embodiment of the One True Love that you have with Holden. I’ve got news for you, sweetheart, the two of you are co-dependant love addicts who have always put your own selfish needs ahead of the needs of your children."

Lily tried to slap Reid’s face but he caught her wrist.

"Well, your mission failed spectacularly," snarled Reid. "Noah showed up tonight with his new boyfriend Mason Jarface. Apparently, Noah felt that blindsiding Luke with the knowledge that he was now involved with the man who had tried to break him and Luke up was something that everyone would get a big kick out of."

"That disreputable professor dared showed his face in Luke’s home," snarled Lucinda while fingering her pearls.

Lily was staring defiantly at the rude and cold man that her son had married when Luke came into the room. Luke closed the door behind him.

Luke walked over to Reid and clasped his hands. "How are you doing?"

Reid sighed over Luke’s concern for him. He leaned into Luke and pressed his forehead against Luke’s forehead. "I’m mad because your mom caused you pain not because I think that her little scheme to break us up could ever have worked in a million years."

"I know," said Luke as he tenderly kissed Reid. "I’m sad because the only reason that Noah could have had for bringing Mason into our home was to hurt me. I’m not sad because I miss Noah or because I regret ending up with you."

"I know," said Reid as he tenderly kissed Luke.

Luke turned towards his mother. "It hurts me that you invited Noah here tonight without my permission."

"I thought it would be a lovely surprise for you," claimed Lily.

Luke sighed heavily. "You invited Noah here because you think we should reunite. I’ve explained to you that I’m completely in love with Reid. I’ve explained to you that since the first time he told me he loved me, I haven’t had a single moment of doubt about his feelings. I’m happier with Reid than I ever imagined. You have no right to devalue our relationship just because you love Noah. It’s cruel of you."

"A mother has to look after her children," insisted Lily. "Noah was so much nicer than Reid Oliver."

Lucinda bowed her head and closed her eyes. Lily having followed in her footsteps by interfering in her child’s love life saddened her. She had hoped that her mistakes could have at least had the benefit of showing her daughter the wrong way to support her children.

"You’ve willingly ignored that Reid completely supports me in everything that I do. That he encourages me to live up to my potential but doesn’t judge me when I screw up. That he never withholds love or physical affection from me in an effort to control me. That he leaves the last donut for me," Luke said sadly to his mother.

"You loved Noah so much," cried Lily.

"Mom, you and I need some time apart," Luke advised firmly. "The fact that you actually attempted to destroy my marriage means that I can’t trust you. I would like you to leave now."

"Baby, don’t be ridiculous," insisted Lily. "I love you."

"I need you to leave now," repeated Luke solemnly. "I have a house full of guests and I can’t deal with you right now. If you love me, then leave."

Lily tried to hug Luke but he stepped backwards away from her. She sighed. "Okay, baby, I’ll leave right now, but we’ll talk tomorrow."

"Just go," whispered Luke.

Lily left. Luke turned towards Reid. "I’m sorry that my mother is a crazy woman."

"Don’t be an idiot," said Reid as he held Luke’s hand and entwined their fingers. He kissed Luke’s forehead. "Hey, why don’t we go away next weekend? Maybe to that cabin that your grandmother has."

Luke took a deep breath. He smiled at Reid. It was shaky but it was a genuine smile. "That sounds great. But right now, I have to go back downstairs and talk people into giving the foundation gigantic sums of money."

Luke kissed Reid on the mouth and his grandmother on the cheek before he left the room.

Reid sat on the edge of his desk. Lucinda settled herself next to him.

"Lily and Luke have always been close," Lucinda tried to explain. "I think that she’s having trouble dealing with the fact that he’s an adult with a busy life who doesn’t have as much time to spend with her as he used to. It’s nothing against you personally."

"It’s not like my feelings are hurt that the Diva of Oakdale doesn’t like me," snarked Reid. "She’s always been too involved in Luke’s life. The fact that I come first with Luke instead of her ticks her off."

"I think the fact that she and Holden aren’t as happy together as she had hoped they’d be when they remarried is something that’s causing her pain and since she can’t seem to fix her own relationship, she’s trying to ‘fix’ her son’s relationship," hazarded Lucinda.

"I’ve never been a big fan of pop psychology," said Reid. "The only thing that matters to me is that she stepped over the line tonight. I’m not going to put up with that type of bull from her and neither is Luke."

Lucinda wrapped her arm around Reid. "It may be true that Luke and Lily need some time apart from each other until Lily can regain some perspective but you’ve got to realize that eventually they will reconcile."

"Don’t try to depress me, woman," said Reid.

Lucinda gave a light laugh. "You and Lily are family now. You have decades of making each other miserable to look forward to."

"Well, when she and Luke do make up, I’m not going to try to be nice to her anymore," said Reid caustically.

Lucinda laughed loudly. "I’m sure we’ll all get over the shock of you being rude to someone."

pairing: paul/emily, character: iva snyder, !author|artist: nancygrew, genre: family, character: luke snyder, character: holden snyder, character: reid oliver, character: damian grimaldi, pairing: noah/mason, character: cal stricklyn, warning: noah-bashing, character: emily stewart, character: lily walsh, fan fiction, pairing: iva/damian, pairing: holden/lily, as the world turns, character: paul ryan, character: mason jarvis, character: noah mayer, character: lucinda walsh, rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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