
Feb 12, 2012 01:24

Title: Blackout
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Written for the LURE_ATWT Fun Fic Fridays. Takes place January 2016. You do not have to read my other fic in order to understand this one.
Summary: Oakdale experiences a blackout.

Reid was doing paperwork when Dr. Karen Haines knocked on his office door.

“I thought your shift ended a couple of hours ago,” said Reid.

“It did,” said Karen. “Since I'm staying here overnight instead of freezing to death back at my condo, I'm volunteering to be on call tonight so that you can go home to the hubby.”

“That’s a generous offer but as COS, I should stick around while we’re in the middle of a crisis,” said Reid. “We've been lucky so far. Our back-up generators kicked in as soon as the blizzard knocked the electrical sub stations out.”

“I was expecting the hospital to be busier,” admitted Karen. “I anticipated we’d be getting injuries from car accidents, lootings, general miscreant behavior.”

“Apparently Oakdalians feel free to commit embezzlement, kidnappings, and adultery whenever they like but committing crimes during times of civic crises is uncalled for,” shrugged Reid.

“I love this crazed town,” grinned Karen. “I asked Lowell if we were going to get inundated with patients from local skilled nursing facilities but he said that you had him call around and they all have back-up generators.”

“There haven’t even been any car accidents during the blizzard,” said Reid. “The emergency road crews are out and keeping roads cleared.”

“Yep,” stated Karen. “It’s the smoothest running crises ever. It’s silly for you to stay here when I’m volunteering to be here. You were on call all last week. Go home and cuddle in the dark with your man.”

Reid grinned. “I owe you. Call me if it even looks like we’re going to get busy.”

They exchanged goodbyes and Reid headed out. During the drive, he noticed that glistening snow blanketed the town. Reid was looking forward to snuggling under blankets with Luke. Maybe they’d light candles.

Reid pulled up to his and Luke’s home to discover that the lights were on. He wondered if his suspicions about Luciano being a wizard were correct, after all.

Reid was greeted by many Snyders as he entered. He sighed sadly. So much for cuddling with his brat in the dark. He noticed that various Kid Snyders were huddled in one corner playing a board game. They waved cheerfully at him. Various Adult Snyders were at another seating area drinking wine and giggling.

“I’ve gotta pee,” said his sister-in-law Abigail who handed him a bundle. “Hold the kid for me.”

Reid glanced around and saw that there were plenty of people who had free hands. Why’d he get stuck with the poop machine?

Luke, who was holding another poop machine - probably Luke’s brother Aaron’s kid, greeted Reid with a bright smile and a kiss.

“I’m so happy you were able to come home tonight.”

“So, electricity,” stated Reid.

“Yeah, our back-up generator is working.”

“We've a back-up generator?”

“Yes, it was Grandmother’s idea. She also wanted us to get a bomb shelter but I nixed that idea,” said Luke as he jostled the baby.

Reid looked around at all of the relatives butting into his Alone Time with Luke. “Your grandmother probably has more room for everyone. Why don’t we shoo everyone over there? I hear she has candy.”

“Grandmother already has a full house,” replied Luke snootily. “She has Grandma Emma, Grandpa Cal, Mom and Step-Adam, and some of John’s kids.”

“Maybe they can all go the Lakeview,” suggested Reid. “They probably have back-up generators. Plus, I hear that they’re giving out puppies.”

Luke shook his head in amusement. “Grandmother has the Lakeview rented out for Worldwide employees who would rather have electricity than stay in their own homes.”

Reid sighed.

“And before you suggest it, the other local hotels and motels with back-up generators have been rented out by me for Grimaldi and Foundation employees and by Carolyn for DeWitt Cereal employees.”

Reid sighed. “The local schools have opened up their auditoriums and gymnasiums to the public. Have we thought about shipping your relatives there?”

Luke tilted his head. “You actually like everyone here. Why are you being so cranky?”

Reid shrugged. “I was looking forward to cuddling in the dark.”

Luke grinned. “Why don’t we hand these kids back over to their parents then we can go to our room and turn out the lights?”

Reid grinned back at Luke. The evening was looking much better.

!author|artist: nancygrew, character: luke snyder, fan fiction, character: karen haines, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, rating: g, character: abigail williams

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