Shoving Ficlet

Dec 30, 2011 01:27

Title: Shoving Ficlet
Author: nancygrew
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Rating: PG-13 due to the use of swears
Notes: Ficlet originally written for Noah_Who as comment fic. Takes place during episode aired March 11, 2010
Summary: Luke shoves Reid against the wall. Reid doesn't mind.

As Reid’s back slammed up against the wall, he wondered if, just maybe, he had gone a little too far with flirting . . . no, not flirting. Insulting. Yes, insulting Money Bags Snyder. And what the hell did it say about him that he was hard as a rock from being shoved by the spoiled little brat. It’s not like he’s never gotten off playing a little rough. But it’s not as though Luke . . No. Not Luke. Never Luke. He’s Mr. Snyder. Or Richie Rich. Anything but Luke. Regardless, it’s not as though the overly emotional brat was shoving him because he wanted to fuck or be fucked. Ha! Given the starry-eyed, romanticized “love” that Mr. Snyder felt for ever-so-bland Noah Mayer, Mr. Snyder probably wouldn’t resort to something as dirty and animalistic as fucking. He was sure that Mr. Snyder and Noah Mayer made gentle love while candles flickered and an entire blind-folded orchestra played in the background. Well, maybe they didn’t make gentle love. Given the fact that Noah Mayer didn’t really seem to like his boyfriend, maybe they just exchanged sweet kisses once every leap year. Or when Noah Mayer was bored with making Mr. Snyder feel sad and guilty and heartsick. God, why did the Littlest Tycoon’s hair smell sooo freaking good? He should say something nice to the brat to make up for being a jackass to him about his dad going to prison. Not because he gave a damn what anybody thought about him. No matter how gorgeous their mouth was. That mouth would look so good wrapped . . . No. Wanting to say something kind was just him being a moderately unhateful human being. After all, the brat’s life was just a mess. There were probably crack addicts who led less stressful lives than the wealthy Mr. Snyder. Reid was as eager as ever to leave Oakfuck. The longer he stayed, the less he understood this . . . thing he had developed for Mr. Snyder.

fan fiction, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, !author|artist: nancygrew, pairing: luke/reid, character: luke snyder, rating: pg-13

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