Ten Random Things About Reid Oliver

Dec 10, 2011 20:27

Title: Ten Random Things About Reid Oliver
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Originally written for the Luke and Reid Random Facts Fest on Lure_atwt.
Summary: Ten random things about Reid Oliver

1. Angus Oliver was an impatient man. He was petty. He was condescending. He never hesitated to let Reid know that he was an unwanted burden. But the worst part? Even though Angus was the exact opposite of Reid’s dad, they looked identical.

2. One of Reid’s favorite memories of his dad was the weekend where just the two of them created an edible human body for his mom’s birthday. The best part was the raspberry gelatin brain with the 'penny candy' hypothalmus.

3. Reid’s earliest memory is his mother singing him to sleep. She sang off-key and mangled the words. But she was warm and pretty and smelled like vanilla.

4. Reid was nine the first time he was punched in the face. His mom made sure that the teacher lost her license.

5. Of all of Luke’s seeming thousands of friends, Will Munson was Reid’s favorite. Will had been the first person that Luke had voluntarily come out to. Will had been the first person to convince Luke that being gay wasn’t the end of the world.

6. Reid thinks Lisa Grimaldi is a charming vixen. He has no idea how she managed to produce Humorless Tom.

7. After he began dating Luke, Reid discovered that he likes being the big spoon in bed. And he discovered that he loves being the little spoon in bed.

8. Reid’s not sure if Casey Hughes is an idiot savant or just an idiot.

9. Reid remembers the first time that Ethan trustingly slipped his hand into Reid’s. He remembers the first time that Natalie nearly cracked his spine with a joyful hug. He remembers the first time that Faith offhandedly said that she loved him. Loving Luke and being loved by him was amazing and more than Reid had ever expected out of his personal life. Gaining a family too? He hopes that his mom and dad somehow know how great his life is and that they’re happy for him.

10. Reid loves the fact that Luke thinks he’s the best boyfriend ever. Of course, it would be more impressive if Luke’s only previous boyfriend hadn’t been a passive-aggressive, squinty barista with anger management issues.

character: casey hughes, genre: domestic, character: angus oliver, !author|artist: nancygrew, genre: family, character: natalie snyder, character: luke snyder, character: will munson, fan fiction, genre: kid-fic, as the world turns, character: faith snyder, character: reid oliver, rating: g, character: ethan snyder

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