Making Out - a ficlet

Nov 06, 2011 22:59

Title: Making Out
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Notes: Originally written for Fun Fic Fridays prompt for Making Out on Lure_atwt.  Takes place late November 2049.
Summary: They still make out.  There are still interruptions.

Reid and Luke lay on the couch in their home library. Their limbs were entangled and they were exchanging soft, sweet kisses.

Reid pulled back slightly. “You’re so beautiful.” His breath caught as Luke smiled sweetly at him.

Suddenly, Reid felt tiny little fingers poking him in the ass. He rolled over to see little Robert bouncing up and down excitedly.

“Kisses!” chortled the toddler. The little blond tyke raised him arms using the international signal for ‘Pick me up. Now!’

“Yeah, yeah, kisses,” groaned Reid as he untangled himself and sat up to help Robert onto his lap. He patiently accepted the kid’s slobbering kisses while Luke grinned and sat up.

“Hey, Dads!” greeted Emma Rose as she followed her son into the room. She kissed both of her fathers. Her kisses were less slobbering than Robert’s. “Am I the first one to arrive for the Autumnal Harvest Feast?”

Reid snorted while permitting Robert to give him Eskimo kisses.

“No,” said Luke. “There are folks all over the place.”

“It’s an infestation,” said Reid.

Luke rubbed his hand down Reid’s back. “How was Lisbon?”

“Excellent,” grinned Emmie. “The purchase of YRB Shipping went through.”

“Great job, pumpkin!” exclaimed Luke while his thirty year old daughter preened under her father’s approval much like she did when she had been a toddler and her fathers had praised her finger-paintings. “Maybe you should takeover Kingsley-Malta for me.”

“There’s not enough money in the world to deal with that many Grimaldis,” informed Emmie. “Is Rain here yet?”

Reid laughed.

Emmie raised her eyebrow at her dad. “You know, we’ve been together since junior high. Do you think you’ll ever tire of laughing at his name?”


“It’s a family name, Reid,” frowned Luke.

“I know! Rainbrow Trout Manetti III!” laughed Reid.

A giggling Robert leapt from Reid’s lap to Luke’s lap. The successful leap was followed by more slobbery kisses.

“Your husband is upstairs in my office with Alex arguing about whether the Neurowing or the Peds wing is more in need of additional funding,” said Luke.

Reid sobered up. “I still can’t believe that one of my daughters married a pediatrician.”

Luke rubbed Reid’s arm soothingly. Emmie gave him a sympathetic glance. She gathered Robert up in her arms.

“I’m so not in the mood to referee a ‘discussion’ between my husband and brother-in-law,” shivered Emma Rose. “Is Aunt Faith here yet?”

“She and your Uncle Casey headed out to the stables with their hooligans as soon as they got here,” said Reid. “They’ll probably be out riding for awhile.

“Hooligans?” mouthed Emmie to Luke.

Luke shrugged. “They’re all majoring in liberal arts.”

“What in the world are they going to do with degrees in macramé and Klingon?” groused Reid.

Emmie shot Reid an amused look. “Are Aunt Abigail or Uncle Aaron here yet?”

“Your Aunt Abigail and Uncle Gregory are down in the billiards room with your Uncle Aaron and Aunt Caroline,” said Luke. “Their kids are down in the theater watching movies. I think they’re watching something from the ‘80s breakdancing oevre.”

Emmie advised her fathers that she didn’t want to raise her precious baby thinking that breakdancing was acceptable behavior so she was gonna go see of she could talk her aunts and uncles into playing for money. She and Robert left.

Luke moved to stand up. Reid pushed him right back down. They found themselves re-tangled while Reid nibbled on a giggling Luke’s earlobe.

Suddenly, they heard a laugh. Reid once again reluctantly moved away from Luke and sat up.

Reid raised his eyebrow at his daughter Mathilda Lucinda who had just entered the room. She was jostling young Damian in her arms. Damian reached out towards Reid. Reid stood and grabbed hold of Damian before he could leap from Mattie’s arms. He didn’t want a repeat of the Halloween episode.

“Making out when company’s going to be here within a couple of hours!” mocked-lectured Mattie.

“Everyone’s already here,” groaned Reid. “Why doesn’t anyone ever stay at their own homes?”

“Is Aunt Natalie here yet?” asked Mattie.

“She and your Uncle John are on their way,” said Luke.

“Is Uncle Ethan here yet?” asked Mattie.

“He’s in the kitchen staring adoringly at your Aunt Jane while she harangues the caterers,” informed Luke. “Their kids are out back with your Aunt Natalie and Uncle John’s kids playing touch football.”

“Touch football,” groused Mattie. “Why not just play shuffleboard?”

“Maybe if you and Emma Rose didn’t play so rough with all of your male cousins, they wouldn’t be so traumatized about playing tackle football,” Luke said gently.

Mattie shrugged unrepentantly. It wasn’t her fault that none of her cousins could take a tackle like a Woman.

“How did the Board meeting at Worldwide go last night?” asked Luke.

“I managed to convince the Board to agree to expanding our operations in Africa,” said Mattie.

“Great job, jellybean!” exclaimed Luke.

Mattie preened. She kissed both of her dads and took Damian back into her arms as she went off to talk to Uncle Ethan about Worldwide sponsoring one of the programs that he was running for at-risk children.

Luke tried to stand up. Reid shoved him back down. Reid was a firm believer that their guests could damn well entertain themselves until the Autumnal Harvest Feast was ready.

genre: thanksgiving, genre: domestic, !author|artist: nancygrew, genre: family, character: luke snyder, fan fiction, genre: kid-fic, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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