Reid Has a Really Stupid Day

Sep 09, 2010 13:53

Title:: Reid had a really stupid day

Author:  nancygrew

Notes:  Domestic scene with Luke/Reid and Katie.

Rating:  G

Disclaimer:  The characters belong to ATWT.

Summary;  Reid has a reallly stupid day.

A laughing and crying Katie Snyder answered the door of the apartment that she shared with her roommate Reid Oliver when Luke Snyder knocked on the front door. Katie pulled him into the apartment and took the bouquet of flowers from his hands and placed them on a side table. She wrapped her arms around Luke and gave him a big kiss on the mouth.

"Our boyfriends are alive," she giggled.

"Yeah, they are," agreed Luke. "Do you plan on molesting me for much longer?"

Katie swayed their bodies and hummed for a moment. "Okay, I’m done," she said as she released Luke. "Are those flowers for me?"

"No, they’re not you avaricious woman you. They’re for Reid." Luke frowned at Katie’s attempt to hide her surprise. "Flowers are an appropriate offering when one is attempting to court their beloved," Luke defended.

"Why don’t I put them in a vase," said Katie hurriedly as she picked up the enormous bouquet of brightly-colored flowers and rushed to the kitchen with them.

"You think they’re too much, don’t you?" asked Luke.

"Well, Reid doesn’t strike me as the . . . romantic type is all. I mean, I know he loves you but he’s . . . Reid."

"That’s why he deserves some serious wooing," explained Luke. "The last couple of days have really made me realize how much I’ve been messing up this thing with me and Reid. He’s put himself out there for me Katie. He made the first move when I was too afraid to let go of the past. He gave up his dream job for me. I hate that I’ve been such a coward and he’s been stuck being the brave one in the relationship. It’s time I put some effort into this."

Katie grinned at Luke. Luke grinned at Katie. Reid walked out into the living room and noticed the two Snyders grinning at each other. He looked between them suspiciously.

"Hey," greeted Luke. "You look handsome."

"Yes, I do," said Reid as he tightened his tie. "Fortunately, you clean up nicely as well."

Luke walked to Reid and gave him a gentle kiss. Afterwards, he stepped even closer to Reid and hugged him tightly. Luke nuzzled Reid’s neck and sighed. "You almost died yesterday."

"Geez, Louise, Luke," huffed Reid. "I didn’t almost die. My stupid car broke down on some railroad tracks."

"Yeah, it broke down during the two seconds of a five hour drive where you were directly over a train track with an oncoming train headed directly towards you," said Luke. "You should have the insurance company look at the car for sabotage."

"If it was sabotage, it was probably the work of Dr. Channing. That hack has been jealous of my Zeus-like skills in the O.R. since I was a young whipper-snapper surgeon," said Reid while wondering if he should try to escape Luke’s death grip of a loving hug.

"I could have lost you and Chris," cried Katie as she wrapped her arms around Luke and Reid. "Instead, you managed to save Chris’ life after narrowly escaping death yourself. Thank you. Thank you for getting Chris a heart. Thank you for not getting yourself killed."

"It’s not a big deal. I took a drive. Yelled at a guy. Took a helicopter ride carrying a medical cooler. Easy as pie," said Reid trying to decide how to unravel himself from Katie’s and Luke’s loving clutches without offending them.

Luke and Katie stepped back from Reid and smirked at him. As much as they loved him, it was impossible not to be amused by Reid’s discomfort at being coddled. Katie led the men to the couch and pushed them to sit down. She sat down on one side of Reid while Luke sat down on the other side of him. Luke stroked Reid’s neck while Katie held one of Reid’s hands in her hands.

"Okay, I’m all happy that everyone is alive but the two of you are creeping me out," said Reid. "Katie, Luke and I both got some sleep today after Chris’ surgery but you’ve been awake for two days. You need to go and get some rest."

"I’ll get some rest, and let you and Luke go off on your big date, once you tell me the whole story of what happened. We’ve been too busy for you to fill me in. Tell me about the accident and how you managed to get the heart from Bay City Memorial," ordered Katie.

Reid rolled his eyes. "My car stalled on a set of railroad tracks about ten minutes away from Bay City. There was a train coming. I had trouble getting my seatbelt opened-" Reid hesitated when Katie sniffled and Luke kissed his shoulder. "People, since I’m here sitting on the couch with you, obviously I got out of the car in time so there’s not really a need to be upset. Is being a drama queen a prerequisite for being a Snyder?"

"We prefer to think of ourselves as emotionally-accessible," explained Luke as Katie giggled. "Please continue with your tale of adventure and derring-do."

"I got out of the car and ran like a track star. The train totaled my car. The authorities arrived and I harangued one of them into giving me a ride to the hospital because of the urgency of Doogie’s condition. Then I got the heart and made arrangements for a med-flight back to Oakdale. I gave John Dixon the heart and his team performed the transplant. The end."

"How did you manage to convince the doctor at Bay City Memorial to give Chris the heart?" asked Katie.

"Well, I hacked into the hospital’s computer system in order to shut off all of the alarms. Then I crawled through the air ducts until I got to the room where the heart was being guarded by mighty samurai. I used The Force to control their minds and convinced them to give me the heart. Then I fought through a hundred ninjas on the roof of the hospital to get to the helipad to fly back with the heart."

"Reid," Katie admonished. "Please tell me how you got the heart."

"I used a combination of badgering, threats of lawsuits and offering my services as a future consultant," explained Reid. "It wasn’t anything that any other brilliant, renowned neurosurgeon with a rich, lawyer-having boyfriend couldn’t have done."

"I’ll never be able to thank you enough," said Katie. "Everyone is absolutely amazed by what you managed to do."

Reid huffed a laugh. "Katie, my friend’s improbable boyfriend needed that heart and was promised that heart and there wasn’t anyway I wasn’t going to get that heart. Okay, now we’re done with all of this over-whelming emotionality. You, go to bed." Reid stood and pulled Katie and Luke up off of the couch.

"Luke, did you make reservations somewhere?" asked Reid.

"Yep. We have a reservation in a half an hour at the Mona Lisa," said Luke.

"Is the Mona Lisa some stuffy old rich people restaurant?" Reid inquired.

"It’s . . .an elegant and refined establishment. The food and ambience are critical acclaimed! I want to take you somewhere memorable to celebrate your ninja battle."

"You know that I don’t need a sugar daddy, right?" grumbled Reid.

"I’m wooing you, you butthead."

"Calling me a butthead and showing up without flowers is a sad and pathetic attempt at wooing," Reid said as he smiled gently at Luke.

Luke grinned and bounced on his heels. "I brought you flowers! Katie stole them."

Reid turned to Katie. "What kind of a monster are you?"

Katie laughed and finished putting the bouquet that Luke had brought into a vase. She handed Reid the vase as if she was an ancient priestess making a sacred offering.

Reid tried unsuccessfully to not be charmed by the fact that his boyfriend had actually brought him flowers. "Thank you," Reid kissed Luke slowly and thoroughly which left Luke a little dazed and Katie a little aroused.

"The flowers are . . . pretty. They don’t have any esoteric meaning or anything that I’m supposed to pick up on, do they," asked Reid.

"Nope. I just chose flowers that reminded me of you. Flowers that were bold and bright," said Luke with a flirtatious smile. "And breathtakingly gorgeous."

"How long is this wooing of yours going to last?" questioned Reid.

"Probably until we have our next pitched battle," admitted Luke. "I’m estimating sometime between the entrée and desert courses."

"It’s good to know you’re such an optimist about our ability to manage smooth sailing in this relationship of ours." Reid turned to Katie. "Are you going to be able okay? Do you think you can sleep?"

"I’ll be fine. I’m going fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. Go. Let Luke wine and dine you," advised Katie. Katie kissed Luke on the cheek and Reid on the mouth and then went to her room.

Reid watched Katie leave with a concerned expression on his face. Luke rubbed his shoulder. "She’s going to be okay," said Luke. "I know that the surgery isn’t the end of Chris’ recovery but she’s stronger than people think."

"I know you’re right," said Reid. "So besides fancy restaurants and flowers, is there anything else I should expect from the Luke Snyder wooing experience?"

"I’ve reserved a suite at the Lakeview for tonight. I’m going to charm and seduce you over an extravagant dinner and then I’m going to ask you to come to my room and we’re going to stop wasting time," said Luke. Luke took hold of a grinning Reid’s hand and pulled him from the apartment.

!author|artist: nancygrew, character: katie pertti etc. etc., character: luke snyder, fan fiction, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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