Meme and Fest!

May 01, 2012 21:51

First, don't forget tw_classic is running its month of celebrating the Women of Torchwood. The TW Classic post is here. I've opened a post at tw_femficfest over here for female characters outside the scope of the TW Classic comm.

Second, ( That AO3 meme: )

ficathon, meme

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Comments 7

firesnap May 2 2012, 03:46:48 UTC
10 Rules for Succesful Dating was one of the first Torchwood fics I ever read. It's still one of the only "domestic" fics that I think is completely in character. Also, after I read The War at Home I had the biggest grin on my face. Not enough people write about those two fighting.

Anyway, yeah, the point is, you're the first author I recommend to people when they ask about fic in this fandom and that list is a pretty damn good reason for why.


nancybrown May 2 2012, 19:02:11 UTC
Aw, thanks. :) That's both flattering and worrysome to think I'm some people's first view of the fandom. *hides*

It's fun finding out when people started reading in the fandom, and what. (I got here in July of '09. I think all the fix-its imprinted HARD.)


eldarwannabe May 2 2012, 14:42:21 UTC
Intersecting Geodesics FTW! \o/

I would also postulate that The Way You Think ties nicely into fandom's needs to both ship Ianto with Jack FOREVER and also figure out how the hell Jack has sex as a head-inna-jar.

Also, having the Jack/Ianto tag clearly does not hurt the hitcount.

ETA: How does Prodigal not have more hits? It's the perfect combination of great idea and brilliant execution! *rereads again*


nancybrown May 2 2012, 19:03:36 UTC
and also figure out how the hell Jack has sex as a head-inna-jar.

I think you have hit on something here. Also, TENTACLES.

Eh, Prodigal is gen fic starring an OC. I'm not surprised at all on that one.


eldarwannabe May 2 2012, 22:59:10 UTC
Nothing wrong with some tentacle-loving!

The first time I read Prodigal (I didn't realize it was you. I was still in my first OMG LOOK AT AAAAALL THE FICS phase.) I thought it was the most brilliant idea ever. Of course Jack has other kids and it's angsty and messy! It's BRILLIANT! Why aren't there a gazillion fics with that theme?????

I've only toned down my crazy fan enthusiasm a little. :)


nancybrown May 3 2012, 00:50:12 UTC
I know of at least one more, where Jack had lots of kids of various ages. It was really good, but I do not remember the title or author. *sadface*

We need people with enthusiasm. It's the end stages of the fandom. Better to go out with a party than a fizzle.


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