TW/DW Drabble: And One in a Velvet Gown

Feb 04, 2011 20:49

Title: And One in a Velvet Gown
Author: nancybrown
Fandoms: Torchwood / Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Alice/Jenny
Rating: G
Summary: Drabble. It's strange to wear rich brocade and a gown down to her feet when she's used to fatigues.
AN: Written for halfamoon
AN2: Obligatory Alice&Jenny story. :)

Hilda sets them down on a planet with an extremely formalised culture. The translator matrix is busted, but Jenny claims she's good picking up customs and languages. Alice is less convinced. It's strange to wear rich brocade and a gown down to her feet when she's used to fatigues. Jenny is of course stunning in her own dress, though Alice thinks she's lovely no matter what she is or isn't wearing.

The translator finally kicks in, informing them the word they thought meant "women" translates more correctly to "property."

As revolutions go, this one is relatively bloodless, but very satisfying.

intersections, doctor who, alice carter, torchwood, jenny_dw

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