The Pre-requisite
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Vote 1: 2: 3: The Basics
Name: Sebastienne Rimbaud. Sebastian, as in the patron saint of good-looking men, and Rimbaud, as in the patron saint of poets.
Age: Eighteen.
Describe the meaning or significance in your username: Was there ever any? It was just something I started to use everywhere.
Favorite color: Pastel pink. It doesn't suit me, though.
Do you give orders or simple follow what's given to you? I'm laid-back and don't have to have everything my way (I'm adaptable as all-get-out, to the extent that I think anyone who has to have anything a particular way is neurotic - this is a flaw, mind), but if there's something I want, I'm going after it. I don't bend for anyone, and I'm not submissive.
Is the glass half full or half empty? At one half capacity.
Your favourite drink is? Earl Grey tea. Either that or vodka, straight.
Smoking. Yes or no? I'll smoke anything you give me. But my favorites are Lucky Strike, Nat Shermans (especially those gold-tipped ones), and cherry vanilla or Mystique pipe tobacco. I've got one of those Bing's Favorite pipes. Beautiful pipe, by the way, and of course Bing Crosby used to smoke something like it. If it's good enough for Bing, it's good enough for me.
The thing is, I don't smoke that much, and I'm not addicted...Listen: Here's how you can smoke like a chimney and not get addicted. Don't start smoking at any particular time, like just before dinner or when you watch the sunrise every day before going to bed. One of the reasons why people get addicted is because they come to associate cigarettes with certain times and activities.
*grin* Don't say rating communities never taught you anything useful.
Scraping the Surface
What are your interests? Everything is interesting. But I don't know. If it's got anything to do with art, history, literature or music, I'll like it. And freedom. My primary interest is freedom.
What are your pet peeves? People who like to stay inside all day, people who are too sensitive, people who are satisfied with mediocrity, and ski lifts. Christ, I hate ski lifts. *scowls*
What are your hobbies? Special talents? Graffiti. Writing. Poking around. Really, poking around is both a hobby and a talent - there are some people who just gravitate towards interesting people and things, notice stuff that others don't. But I'm smart and tenacious, I'm talented at everything, if there's something I want to know about, or something I want to do, I'll learn everything I need to know as soon as possible. Yeah, that's my only goal in life: To know everything, to do everything. Heh, good luck, right?
Your strengths lie in… and why? Nothing gets to me. Ever. I've suffered, sure. More than my fair share. And I'm broken as hell, just like everyone is in this modern day. But you can't upset me, you can't break me, and I have an unshakable will. Because of that I can give anyone anything.
Your weaknesses are… and why? First of all, I'm not in touch with my own emotions at all. Although I'm affectionate, compassionate, and giving, I'm too distant. I'm also unreliable. If I get the urge I'll drop everything and run away, it doesn't matter how or to where. One day I just up and wandered to the next state over. I'm also unreliable in that selfish, day-to-day way. I make too many promises. I'll give the shirt off my back if I'm asked for it, but I don't follow through sometimes. And people can be intimidated by me. Really, although I come off as a tough character, and I revile humanity in general, I like individual people and usually take to folks instantly.
Oh, and my worst weakness is, I can't drive a car. I liked walking too much, and I never got around to learning...that was back when I was living in that tiny little place without culture (couldn't wait to get the hell out of there! I left with just my purse and a change of clothes) and had nowhere to go but up mountains and down valleys. And to the ghetto. I've always been attracted to shitholes. They're more interesting than clean-cut suburbs. Less...sterilized, I suppose.
Digging a little Deeper
Who do you admire (whether it be fictitious or real life) and why? Uncle Arthur (hey, you all know who I'm talking about, right?). I know his great sin is running away from poetry at such an age, but I admire that. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - of freedom, rather. He pissed on the whole universe with that move and didn't give a damn. And, in spite of everything, the whole world knows his name or ought to, and he's still a lousy influence on generations of impressionable teenagers such as myself.
What do you look for in a friend and why? I don't know. I can be friends with anyone. I can't hate people for some reason. But there are some people I just can't talk to. People without brains. People who never want to talk about anything serious and just play it cute all the time. It's nice to be all smiles, fun, and affection for some people, but I can't stand too much of it myself. I end up feeling avuncular towards them, but I shut myself up around those types.
If you were in a rock band, which position would you play and why? The lead singer. I'd have to write the songs, of course, and I couldn't stand anyone else singing my poetry. Unfortunately, I'm a lousy singer (though passionate!), but I'm hellbent on committing some sort of music before I die. I'm under the impression that if I practice enough I'll figure out how to sing right. At least I can play sax, and I'm learning guitar if it kills me.
How would your ideal room/apartment look like and why? Light. Desk. Pen. Enough paper for the Great American novel. Though really, it would be very swank, all white marble and black metal, spiral staircases, sculptures, and leather. Although, I'm working on a graphic novel that takes place in the Victorian era, and it's been a hell of a lot of fun putting together properly Decadent parlors.
If you were a piece of jewelry what would you be and why? An atheist crucifix.
From the Manga
Who is your favorite character and why? Shinichi. Because he looks best while he's smoking.
...Well, except rocker!Nana, who is the sexiest and always looks best. <3
Who is your least favorite character and why? Shouji. I don't find him particularly interesting, that's all.
Your favorite pairing? And why? Ren/Nana. Just because I like the symbols involved. Ren's name, Nana's tattoo, Sid's necklace. *symbol-minded*
Your favorite relationship? And why? Nana and Junko. They're fun to watch.
Et Cetera
Where did you hear about us from? A friend.
Anything else you'd like to add? Not really.