Sep 07, 2008 15:47

Suddenly I think I fall in love with Jin..ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know why--my sister keep tuning to LIPS and me sick..BUT !!! I started to love Jin too..ehhhhhhhhh???
And my sister,Hana said-->unnie are so weird.You said you like Nakamaru. Of course I like Nakamaru but ..but...
well in Kat-tun--Nakamaru ( Read more... )

tomato-chan, hika say....., random talk

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Comments 25

mklia September 7 2008, 08:50:32 UTC
*will definately be a good father*
father of mine maybe?? NOOOO Where shd i put my TOMA...

I used to not like that Bakajin.. cos he's too sexy for me... and he's overly exposed... and everyone loves him and all.. but now, i'm okay with him.. and sometimes i call him jinjin(which is so wrong, i've always call him BAKA) LOL

Tmr i'm back to work, i dun want to go back to work... :( i just want to sit at home.. :(


nana_hikachan September 7 2008, 13:36:26 UTC
you cannot betray Toma..*shook*

But it shows--how great Kei-chan would be when he get his own child..^^"

JinJin is too cute--too sexy--too overly exposed--too brat--and so many thing about him is too much..ROFL.

Ehhh~you want to sit at home?


mklia September 7 2008, 13:52:23 UTC
u know me best.. LOL
oh gosh, u know what, i just forced my friend to book a ticket to Toma's Grease stageplay for me, and there may be hope that i may be able to see him LIVE... :D Pls pray hard for me... :D
Toma, matte ne.. :D

yup i agree, once when Haru chan was sick in the mid of the nite, and Kei's sister needs to take care of his younger bro, Keichan brought Haru chan to the hospital. :D

Yeah Jin is overly, erm hv u seen his perm?? oh gosh, THAT i dun agree, permy Jin is a NO NO.

yeah, i dun want to go to work. Just prefer sitting at home.. but if i dun work, i wont have the $$ to buy myself a flight to Japan in October for Toma's butai... :S


nana_hikachan September 7 2008, 16:58:17 UTC
Kei-chan melt my heart T_T
he did that..waaa..if only I was the nurse..lol

and...I hope and pray so that you will be able to go there..and see Toma live !!!
I pray for you..hard.Don't worry..

permy Jin?
lol...so funny...but I always look at his fatty arm..not hair..lol

and..money is important ne..nowadays >.<


misako_amaya September 7 2008, 12:17:41 UTC
Jin? OMG I don't know you XDDD


nana_hikachan September 7 2008, 13:34:16 UTC
you know me and you love me..I know..*wink*


misako_amaya September 7 2008, 13:41:15 UTC
Now I'm not sure ha! xD


nana_hikachan September 7 2008, 13:48:19 UTC
*wide eye*



noritenshi September 7 2008, 19:54:52 UTC
Jin Jin? Really? I love him too, he is so sexi! I have never seen a man who is more sexi than Jin! Well... maybe Kame has it also, but Jin is number one in sexiness :D


nana_hikachan September 8 2008, 00:50:58 UTC
is agree !!!!!!!!!
too sexy ^^



kate64100 September 9 2008, 18:53:32 UTC
Jin? Now? Also you~~? xD
Heh~~ xD
And "Lips", lol~~ xD
Don't care~~ I just have to do a few things, so I'm thinking mostly about them, but I want to write a comment now, so this can be.... strange~~... Well... But it isn't that my comments can be normal~~ xD
And Jin doesn't have "fatty arms"~~ His arms are... really shapely, muscular and... Well... Ok~~ I shouldn't say anything about things like this~~ xD


nana_hikachan September 9 2008, 19:06:52 UTC
do ypu like him too??
naaa...can;t you see his fatty arm..it's cute..lol

and I don't know how many times I listen to that song now..
anyway~nice to talk to you before i go sleep...miss you ^^"



kate64100 September 9 2008, 19:27:46 UTC
I like him. Only "like"~~ xD When he has him "baka mood", there are people who say we could be twins~~ And he is and I am so baka~~ ^^ But it's nice~~ ^^ And he's lovely~~ And especially fics about him are awesome~~ xD
Why is it cute, hm~~? xD

If you don't know... I don't know too~~ xD
(So for this reason is last.fm~~ It counts things like this~~ xD)
Why do you miss~~? It was only about three days~~ ^^ I was too lazy to do anything~~ Though... I sometimes thought about you~~ xD


nana_hikachan September 9 2008, 23:06:25 UTC
lol...you like him..Misako hate him..hmmM~~~

When he in baka mood..I was like O_O"
But he is definately cute in whatever mood..ne?

ahhaha...of course you don;t know ^^;;
ohh...so that was the function of last.fm ^^;;

three days is long but I also was in BZ mood recently..busy^^
but I also think about you...and your yaoi..haha


honeyshikido September 11 2008, 04:15:08 UTC
i used to hate jin myself
really hate that guy for being to girlish and always acted kawaii
but now i'm head over toes for him ;b


nana_hikachan September 11 2008, 13:00:34 UTC
ou do?
*whacked your head*

how could you ever hate him..*whacked again*he's so fine


honeyshikido September 12 2008, 05:05:13 UTC

yeah...he's so fine
i only realized that coz i was so into koki before and koki's still my no.01 kat-tun's


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