_HMD interface

Dec 22, 2010 18:15

This RP journal represents at least three versions of Ram, the program who escaped the Game Grid with Tron and Flynn in the first movie. He/they are active on dear_mun and in the LJ Tron sandbox, gridlined.

One: canon Ram, up to and, if applicable, after his final appearance in the 1982 movie.

Two: is a backup version rezzed when Flynn created the new System, who assimilated a data cache with his former self's memories after Clu's takeover, doesn't know who Rinzler really is, and occasionally aids the Iso underground, but spends most of his time working on not getting diverted to the game grid.

Three: is a self-aware muse program running in his mun's cranial circuits who has watched both movies through his mun's eyes, remembers everything that happened in the first one, and has little knowledge of why he's operational now, except that he gets to talk to programs, functions, and users from aaaaaaaall the timelines. And since he's a friendly guy, that's fine with him.

Mun contact: here, via PM, or namesram on AIM. Mun is friendly, gen-oriented, a slow tagger, and likes prose tags, angst, and ridiculous fluff.
Comments? Concrit (especially as to Tronverse technical language)? Ideas for plotting? This is the place!

Dan Shor, from an interview:

"The great part of being RAM was simply his sincere desire to be of assistance to others. He was sort like a Golden Retriever who's sole purpose in life is to please. He had unabashed and unconditional affection for Flynn and for Tron."

From the Making Of documentary (part 4 on youtube):

"Ram was an actuarial program who says 'I like to serve other people's needs.' He was just a boy in service, period. So if you are in service, and you see a great leader like Tron, you follow that great leader for the service of mankind."


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