Axiom Nexus Application

Apr 15, 2010 22:39


Personal Information
Name: Jayde
Age: 23
Personal LJ: mordoriannazgul
Email / AIM / MSN: / jaydepuff

Character Information
Character Name: Barricade
Fandom: Transformers
Timeline: Transformers 2007/ROTF

Character History: Barricade was originally in Cybertron’s defense forces, under the command of Lord High Protector Megatron. When Megatron defected and re-formed the Decepticons, Barricade followed more than willingly. Some time during the Cybertronian’s war, the All-Spark was jettisoned into space and was lost, along with Megatron who was pursuing it. Barricade was part of a crew assembled by Starscream to find their leader and the cube, serving as the pilot and science officer.

Eventually they traced the All-Spark’s energy signal to Mars, where they encountered the Mars Beagle probe and destroyed it. They then made their way to Earth and scanned vehicles to disguise themselves while they searched the planet for some clue to the location of Megatron and the All-Spark. The first tangible clue came from Barricade’s partner, Frenzy, who found information about a pair of glasses owned by a human named Sam Witwicky. Barricade was the first to find him and violently interrogated the boy, until Sam’s guardian Autobot Bumblebee stepped in. A fight broke out and Bumblebee was the victor, leaving Barricade heavily injured and Frenzy hiding in the purse Sam’s female friend. His failure to retrieve the glasses has come to be the reason that the Decepticons failed, in his mind, as well as part of the reason that he lost his symbiont, Frenzy.

He repaired himself (mostly) by the time Starscream and Frenzy located Megatron and the All-Spark at the Hoover Dam, heading onto the freeway with fellow Decepticons Bonecrusher and Brawl. He tried to clear space on the freeway by turning on his sirens, but Bonecrusher found a more expedient method in shoving other cars off the road. Bonecrusher then attacked Autobot leader Optimus Prime; Barricade was distracted enough to get run off the road by Ironhide, much to his everlasting shame. He smashed into a pillar, incurring heavy damage, and came to later to find that the battle was over and Megatron was dead. He also found Starscream in his face, asking about Frenzy while Barricade sat and tried to self-repair. Eventually he got back into top shape and left for other parts - if Megatron was not the one leading the Decepticons, he would not be led. Not again, and certainly not by the mech that had abandoned him to this dirtball planet to go do who knows what. He took to laying low and staying out of the path of the Autobots and Decepticons both, seeking any clues of Frenzy’s whereabouts that he could, watching and waiting to choose his own battles.

Character Personality: Barricade’s life has been primarily about control for an extremely long time - since before the war began, when he entered the Defense Forces in the first place - both self-control and the manipulation of others. He tends to not let his anger show and keeps most emotions (honest emotions, anyway) off of his facial plating… in public, at least. In private and around those he feels he can trust, he lets his emotions shine through. Unfortunately, he doesn’t trust anyone unless they’re on his table and being tortured to death. Others can eventually earn his trust, but he makes it difficult. He does have a playful side, though it’s mostly used to rub his fellows the wrong way; he gets a kick out of making his colleagues crazy. It includes his unusual habit of assigning nicknames to almost everyone he knows. Some of them are more respectful than others - Megatron and those under his direct command are usually referred to collectively as “Management” to avoid their wrath… though he occasionally calls Blackout “Rotor-Butt” in private. So far the only one to earn a nickname with any amount of sentiment attached is Frenzy, whom he typically called “Little One” in private.

He’s extremely fastidious about his appearance; he likes his armor to be gleaming and in near-perfect condition, unless a mission calls for less. Though heavens forbid someone intentionally scratch his paint. He’s also extremely cocky and a narcissist, to all appearances. Some of that cockiness is genuine, though it usually only comes through when he’s making minor defiances of leadership. He’s more likely to smart off of Management behind their backs than to their faces, though he’s suitably paranoid to keep most of it to himself regardless of who is facing him or not. Average grunts like him, though, get every single snide comment.

Frenzy had more of an impact on his life than Barricade would like to admit. He’d gone out of his way to protect the hacker, and losing him crushed Barricade. It’s led to minor instabilities in him, primarily boiling down to two things. The first is that insults directed at Frenzy send the former pilot into a rage that would be uncharacteristic under different circumstances. The second is that he still, on occasion, transmits messages over the now-empty comm. line that he’d shared with the smaller mech; it served as something of a diary for him over the past two years. Still, in spite of how obvious the former may be, Barricade will deny having issues with the loss of his symbiont. It should be noted that, barring his usual torture methods, he does not work well alone. Barring being reassigned by leadership, he tends to find another mech - typically a grounder like him - to work alongside.

Of more concern might be the fact that he over thinks situations to the extreme, and has a massive guilt complex because of it. Given enough time, he can find some way to trace every failed plan back to some failing of his own. In the case of some things that aren’t truly his fault, he comes up with the generic reason “I should have been better”. Needless to say, this is most often the reason for why everything is his fault. Having had two years to consider it, however, he traces every bad thing that’s happened to the Decepticons on Earth back to him not retrieving the glasses. How much this has helped to keep him from going insane while alone on Earth is debatable. However, it has instilled in him a deep desire to rectify the situation by murdering the human that was also responsible - Sam Witwicky.

Powers: Barricade is a Transformer. Unsurprisingly, his major ability is to transform into a vehicle. In his case, he turns into a Saleen S281 Extreme (a modified Ford Mustang) police car. He can also generate a human ‘driver’ to complete the disguise; it used to be a moustache man, but he found a prettier police officer to scan for the holoform. He occasionally uses it for interaction with humans, along with his knowledge of all of Earth’s currently used languages circa 2007. His hologenerator can handle making at least two of this ‘driver’, along with virtual maps and the apparently standard ability to project images and video of things he’s seen.

His primary weapons are his arms and hands, which he can shift into a spiked wheel and use in either close combat or as a flail, in addition to the silver talons he typically sports. He can also re-align his arms into plasma lasers, and reconfigure the armor of his left shoulder into a cannon that fires missiles that drill into whatever they hit. He has tough armor that can handle most blows - he’s escaped tussles with larger mechs with hardly a dent to show for it - and has a surprisingly high pain tolerance. As with most Cybertronians from his reality, however, there are significant gaps in the plating that give access to his more vulnerable interior systems. He doesn’t handle extreme drops in temperature well - much like Megatron before him, his gears start sticking and eventually freeze in place altogether - and is vulnerable to rusting without proper maintenance and a steady supply of energon.

Among his more practical skills are immense skill with torture, along with a minor ability with hacking and a fair knowledge of Cybertronian system repair. Both of the latter are primarily leftovers from his symbiotic relationship with Frenzy, whom he cajoled into teaching him ‘just in case’. As it stands, he was the closest thing to a medic that the Decepticons of Infinity had, and will only learn more as repairs continue to be needed.

First person: [Thump thump thump. Is this thing on?]

Well. Between the paperwork that never ends and the… I suppose ‘trans-dimensional travel’ would be the correct term… how does anyone get anything done here? It’s like the bureaucracy from the Pit. Pah!

Though as long as I’m stuck here. I don’t guess any of you have seen a silver mech around by the name of Frenzy?
Third Person: Pulling himself back together after his tussle with Bumblebee had been a trial, and Barricade had grumbled and complained his way through it… and most of his insults had been directed at himself. He’d gotten stupid and sloppy and lost his temper. It was not going to happen again, he vowed. As a rule, he tried to only make the mistake once. Somehow he managed to admonish himself while stripping his armor off to repair the gears and cabling underneath, and welding his plating back together meticulously. For all his hesitancy about taking on Frenzy as a symbiont, the little hacker had proved useful.

The transmission from said hacker had spot-on timing with his repairs being completed. The All Spark was located. Just a little while longer on this disgusting, dirtball planet, now. Thank Primus for small favors. Starscream called for mobilization and got his answer - “Barricade en-route”. He was eager to be finished with this, eager to fix the mess that the Autobots had made of their planet. Honestly, the cost to their species made their actions ridiculous, as far as he was concerned. Really. He couldn’t think about that now, he had to focus on here. Buckle down or it will get so much worse. Or it would just get worse anyway; isn’t that what it always did?


Everything went so much faster after he mobilized. Blackout was probably going to take his sweet time getting there, and of course Starscream would have to whine and make excuses for something to Lord Megatron, so he decided to take lead when he caught up with Brawl and Bonecrusher. How often had he been put in charge on their journey here, anyway? He was a natural choice. Besides, didn’t he have the map that gave them the closest city - Mission City? Those humans had to be headed there, and when he caught up to Ladiesman, he was going to squash the human’s head like a grape.

But it hadn’t worked out like that, had it? Brawl had to take a different route (Fragging slow pain in my aft…) and Bonecrusher… oh, Bonecrusher. His own sirens and lights hadn’t been doing much good, so he let the tactician take the lead, and everything just turned into a mess. Cars went everywhere and then Prime noticed. And that brute (Skater Boy he decided, after skimming through the Internet for a while) just had to tackle him. And Barricade just had to get distracted enough that that traitor, Ironhide, shoved him into a concrete column. And then he had to come to with Starscream in his face, asking about Frenzy… whom he couldn’t hail on comms. Slag.

He only stopped under the bridge long enough to check Bonecrusher over and curse at himself, before taking off. He’d figure out what happened - there must have been plenty of humans taping, and there would be videos all over ‘YouTube’ soon enough - and then find some way to fix this. Alone.

[comm] axiomnexus, ooc

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