Title: bait
'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Phoebe, Ulysse
Prompt: 93D "iron"
Word Count: 530 670
Notes: So way back in the day, the
illian asked if the lady mage queen had ever had to teach or tutor anyone.
He's not the first, by a long shot, but he might be among the more stubborn. )
Comments 13
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Her husband's brother may suspect, but her husband's brother suspects many things he never sets out to prove, and speaks of fewer when he's angry at Aifiric, too.
And oh, that's a Sabaey smile, for all his dark hair and olive-wood skin, as he leans forward, hands uncurling to lie along his legs, and says "Do that again?"
And the comparison that Ariahnrod's glares were MUCH more impressive than Ulysse's. *grin*
*laughs!* Well. Hissy bebe!leRoux vs sullen bebe!Manannan . . .
<5's this
Phoebe things rings around pretty much everyone else, doesn't she?
I can only imagine it being stuff that there was no way to anticipate or predict (such as the Trick).
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She doesn't even have the comfort of it being something associated with Ian--it was Ian's wife who made all the subsequent Sabaeys so ridiculously tall. Rrrargh.
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