Title: gooood morning, your majesty...
'Verse/characters: Sun Queen era; Phoebe, Ian-hand
merditha: "Phoebe, " . . . oh good [expletive]"."
Word Count: 578
Notes: Her first meeting with the man who eventually becomes one of her primary Hands during her reign. Not so much with the proper-conclusion, rather more with the jigsaw puzzle piece
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Comments 6
I'm kind of surprised that Phoebe's maids don't know to introduce people by first name and last, to help avoid those sorts of confusions, though.
"'Sansoucy' isn't exactly 'Sujayjanth' or 'Sandoval', and my court-language isn't very good besides. Iarlaith-lord seems to think I'm of more use on the move."
Curious now how he came to be a hand. And dying to know why he's being introduced to Phoebe, as it does seem like a kind of odd mix, if one didn't know how well they worked together from the other bits.
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Coincidental but interesting. :)
i like the way her feelings are described, and i like the way she reminds herself to conduct herself as Queen as opposed to Mage, because they mean different modes of behavior, and that informs even the smallest of gestures.
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