Title: relatives: occasionally useful
'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Hernén, Sebastien, Donnel
Prompt: 84C "shotgun"
Word Count: 731
Notes: Possibly around the same time as
for the attempt but likely before. Certainly before the wars started.
Donnel came out in late spring, brought his own horses with him when he did. )
Comments 4
*glee* I love how practical they are about this sort of thing. And what they use for paperweights!
"Figure out how to turn that into cartography and I'll pay you in pigment,"
Apt. And a neat twist of words.
Sebastian is adorable. <3 And the ow over Ruadhan is a nice touch, and worked in well.
oh, he's cute. and USEFUL to have a cartographer in the family.
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