Title: hunger
'Verse/characters: Deaths; the Morrigan, Eduard De'Ath
Prompt: 05D "seeking solace"
Word Count: 708
Notes: Campaign-era. After
wake up; Eduard's back on his feet, but only just barely. Also references
gambit, response.
'Wait,' she'd been told, but it wasn't enough to hold her easily. )
Comments 7
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I like the way you make the reader feel this.
Thank you.
Pressure lessened in her head, across her shoulders, feathers evaporating from her skin in a way she couldn't have described to anyone who hadn't felt it. Swaying, just a little, not yet reaching for the table to catch herself, she looked up at him with eyes that didn't ache from the light and whispered "Dance with me?" in a voice she prayed wasn't shaking from her sudden hollowed skin.
that whole paragraph is amazing.
also, the last line is a good one.
Thank you--I almost wish it was longer, more in-depth, but I couldn't frame more words around it.
The ways one tempts the Morrigan.
Pressure lessened in her head, across her shoulders, feathers evaporating from her skin in a way she couldn't have described to anyone who hadn't felt it. Swaying, just a little, not yet reaching for the table to catch herself, she looked up at him with eyes that didn't ache from the light and whispered "Dance with me?" in a voice she prayed wasn't shaking from her sudden hollowed skin.
This is glorious.
:) Thank you. I wanted to try to get more details, but couldn't--and given both you and K have complimented what's there apparently I was doing something right . .
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