Title: just another day in the life
'Verse/characters: Swallow's Tail; Sascha, Helena, Taarstad, Petrovich
larathia: "transcendental olympics"
Word Count: 210
Notes: 3+1, between
an attempt at percussive maintenance and
Sascha automatically shoved a foot up to brace himself against the opposite wall when the horse abruptly yawed to the side. Helena, who'd just left the engineer's post and was still in the hallway just outside, wasn't so lucky, judging by the thud, bang, and hissed curse.
The horse proceeded to pitch the other way, then swapped herself end for end a couple of times.
Another bang sounded a lot like Helena's head meeting a ladder-frame.
His guess was confirmed when she slapped the full-horse speaker system hard enough to echo and growled "What the fuck are we doing, trying to qualify for some sort of transcendental olympics?"
Sascha bit off the reflexive snicker as the kid replied "No?"
"Hang on to something," the Captain interrupted, his deeper voice hopping over Helena's continued growl and chopping her off at the knees. "More incoming."
So Sascha hooked himself to the wall, and watched resignedly as the project he'd been working on went sailing across the room to smash on the floor. Which was currently the ceiling.
Good thing he wasn't prone to motion sickness.
Helena was still muttering to herself in Byzanti in the hallway, but he hadn't heard her whack herself on anything since the warning.
If she needed stitches, he was making the kid do 'em.