Title: lacking proper tools--improvise
'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Yasha
Prompt: 86A "inner space"
Word Count: 209
Notes: This is the other leaking copper pipe piece; wee!Yasha is Fierce, Dmmt.
There was a distant, muffled sound of dripping, and it was starting to make him crazy. And he was stuck here cooling his heels for the next however long.
He heaved a massive gusting sigh, then started mentally feeling along the wall for a space, which, once found, was widened to give him a decent look through the door cradled between his palms.
The plumbing--heating, maybe, too?--pipes were copper, verdigrised in places with damp and age, but the leak was at a bend, newly discoloured metal leaking green pus from the welded seam that joined two pipe sections together.
He scowled at it, wishing again that he had the knack that gave people to Proctor instead of Trap--both would've been better yet--and then gave up. Couldn't seal a leak with a door, so he opened a teeny tiny one underneath the place that the water was properly leaking from, and let it fall into the air above the Volga.
Very far above. It would probably freeze on the way down, but it sure wouldn't be doing that maddening dripping while he was around.
Carefully, he let go of the seeing-doors, both the one in the wall and the one between his palms, while holding on to the one beneath the drip.