[Deaths] a pair of De'Aths

Jun 27, 2009 16:41

Title: only a small riot.
'Verse/characters: Death be not Proud; Julian De'Ath, Eduard De'Ath
Prompt: 64C "barbarism"
Word Count: 148
Notes: The other twisting-leaf-pattern piece. :) This is either before she went West or well after the campaign.

She found him in the library, half-sprawled in the most comfortable of the chairs.

Wandering into his line of sight, she remarked " . . I have no idea why she spends so much effort on her clothes."

"Do I want to know?" her uncle asked in an absent tone, not looking up from his book.

"It's some kind of twisting leaves pattern across a bodice--aspen, maybe?"

"Are we talking cutouts or covers?" his tone had sharpened slightly, though his head hadn't moved.

She considered briefly. "I think the word 'yes' sums up the effect nicely."

" . . Ah. She's probably planning to incite a small riot."

"That actually works?"

"Far more often than it doesn't. It's a little disturbing to watch."

Silence reigned for a moment.



"I'm stealing the bottle of illegally imported uisce beatha hidden in the back of the Britannica and going to watch."

He managed to suppress the laugh, but only just barely.

julian de'ath, eduard de'ath, deaths, list c

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