Title: only a small riot.
'Verse/characters: Death be not Proud; Julian De'Ath, Eduard De'Ath
Prompt: 64C "barbarism"
Word Count: 148
Notes: The other twisting-leaf-pattern piece. :) This is either before she went West or well after the campaign.
She found him in the library, half-sprawled in the most comfortable of the chairs.
Wandering into his line of sight, she remarked " . . I have no idea why she spends so much effort on her clothes."
"Do I want to know?" her uncle asked in an absent tone, not looking up from his book.
"It's some kind of twisting leaves pattern across a bodice--aspen, maybe?"
"Are we talking cutouts or covers?" his tone had sharpened slightly, though his head hadn't moved.
She considered briefly. "I think the word 'yes' sums up the effect nicely."
" . . Ah. She's probably planning to incite a small riot."
"That actually works?"
"Far more often than it doesn't. It's a little disturbing to watch."
Silence reigned for a moment.
"I'm stealing the bottle of illegally imported uisce beatha hidden in the back of the Britannica and going to watch."
He managed to suppress the laugh, but only just barely.