Title: stealing kisses from gravity
'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Yasha, Aodh
Prompt: 83B "close but far",
klgaffney giving "moss-covered slate" as a spark
Word Count: 200ish
Notes: I really want to expand this more, but they're not handing me anything. Here, have Yasha showing some of his Influences.
Aodh popped out again, but this time Yasha'd been ready for it, tagged boots and bracelets and followed a breath after the fox.
Onto a rain-slick moss covered slate roof.
He spat a curse he'd picked up from the Doc, flailed a couple of times as his shoes skidded, then Opened again as he went past the edge of the roof at a rate rapidly approaching 9.8m/s, which would be no fun if it turned into acceleration.
His feet hit the ground with a hard *smack!*, knees bending automatically, and he glared back up at the roof, which now had a fox head peering over the nailed-on gutter with every evidence of rapt fascination.
"Pul tiu," he growled up.
Aodh grinned. "Not 'til you're older, Kid. Hand?"
"Nil hea." He flicked open another door, stomped--carefully--onto the ridge line of the roof, which had less moss growing on it. "What in Hel are we doing here?"
Aodh rolled up onto his haunches, still down in the really slippery section and apparently perfectly secure there. Bastard's boots didn't even squeak as he shifted his weight. "Well, I was going t'try t'figure out who was trying t'get my attention, but I got kinda distracted when some idiot fell off t'roof I was on."
He flipped the fox a Ceannard-Shanghai Special, complete with curled lip.