Title: hiding
'Verse/characters: Trickwood Unification/Some Kind of Love Song; Takashi
Prompt: 78A "diary"
Word Count: 445
Notes: roughly concurrent with
making an impression, follows
return to oz. Prompted by a poll response.
'Dear Diary,' he composed mentally, though he'd never kept a diary in his life, 'today I was kind of an idiot.'
He dropped as flat as he could get, several tails devoted to keeping him hidden both visually and olfactorily, eeled under a bush that didn't smell of bones, and waited.
He suspected that if he were any younger, the length of time it took for his pursuers to wander into his field of vision would probably have gotten him eaten. As it was, he was running out of songs to try to remember all the lyrics to, and It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) running through his head on loop was starting to get on his nerves, when a gray shadow trotted out of the woods and past his hiding place, nose lowered to the ground. The second wolf, following quickly after the first, was moving with its--her, her corrected himself as her scent hit him--her head up, keeping an eye on the branches of trees and anything that might try dropping on her companion while it was focused on its nose.
He really should have hitched a ride on a trader's boat, instead of going overland. Whether or not he got thrown off, it would have probably involved fewer near-death experiences than the last three days had. He still couldn't believe a tree had tried to eat him.
And then he'd wandered through a wolfpack's territory, one of the ones that hadn't yet been conquered or bribed into joining the crazy mageblood's coalition. He really, really should have taken the warning of the scentmarks and scoring--they were really damn persistent.
Thinking about it carefully, he found the nearest body of water a more normal fox would have used to double back, and hit it with just enough power to splash.
The wolves' heads snapped around, and after a glance at one another, they trotted off, the gray splitting off to head downstream of the splash.
He did not heave a sigh of relief. It was going to take a long time to catch up to her, and if her half-brother's reputation out here was anything to go by, he was going to have to be very, very careful not to get eaten or shot by something near her.
Well, if he lived, he'd have his seventh back soon. He eeled back out of the undergrowth, stood up briefly to stretch, and padded carefully towards high ground, using the scent of something small and poisonous that had tried to take a bite out of him the first night as a cover for his own.