Title: the one that counts
'Verse/characters: Death be not Proud; the Morrigan
Prompt: 61A "the way of difference"
Word Count: 120
Notes: No quality assurance on this one.
She was not the only one to have that particular bright idea. Nor was she the only death to have that idea. She was not even the only one to come from another place.
She was, however, the only one who wandered.
And absence made caution a thing of memories and the past, until she came back at a suggestion from one of the brothers, and someone tried to take her off the playing board.
So now she and the ones who've taken to the Tuatha de Danaan are stalking one another under old trees, her power and her namesake's power crackling like heat lightning in a clear sky, shattering patterns and impossible to ignore.
They're learning to fear her name again.