Title: in theory
'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Ilya
Prompt: 68C "limitless"
Word Count: 174
Notes: after he got his sticky fingers on a not!z-machine, well before he ran into Sinclair. Prompted by a poll response.
Car-di is I think her individual abbreviation of 'carbon dioxide'.
"Here, I'll make it simple. It's an energy transformer--you put energy in, it spits more energy back out. Lots more energy back out."
"How does i--"
"I said simple," he interrupted, waving his hands impatiently. He had a few burns on his fingertips, she noted as a hand went past her head. She'd never seen him marked before.
"Alright," she amended, "have you been able to get enough data points to have an idea of the conversion rate?"
"Ah." His mouth quirked. "I can't get a top end to the graph."
" . . . You're joking."
He looked offended. "I am NOT."
"You just said there's no upper limit to the energy output this thing is capable of!"
"That I can measure!"
She started to yell back, then stopped herself. Carefully, " . . what does it do, given the power that runs a lighting system, and the car-di in it?"
"I--" he stopped, closed his mouth, thought about it. "We're that desperate."
"You're the engineer," she said softly. "You tell me."