I literally haven't had more words with Spen other than "good night, I love you" in days. Er, what happens when a member of the First Presidency dies? Do they wait till General Conference to replace him? I understand that the staying power of this Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 is unusual, but in 8 years of membership, I've never been around for someone in the Presidency dying.
*trying to remember back when Pres.'s Benson and Hunter died* I know that new apostles and general church officers are sustained at conference time, but whether they start serving in their capacities before being sustained is something I'm not certain of. I think, actually, in the case of the first presidency the next senior member steps up temporarily until someone is officially called and sustained.
Yeah, pretty sad. I was conducting on Sunday and had to announce it over the pulpit and felt really bad when half of the congregation gasped. I thought that it was fairly common knowledge by that point since it had been a couple days. I've been a member for slightly over 10 years, so I'm with you, I don't know what to expect.
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