The show with Guster, Howie Day, and Matt Nathanson rocked my socks off. I've been waiting to see Matt N since 2001 when Roo introduced him to me
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I got to see Howie Day when he opened for BNL. I really liked it. Then he was in the paper the next morning for being a lecherous fool with a young groupie. Oh well. good songs.
Re: Long storynajacheeseSeptember 2 2004, 21:27:08 UTC
You know, I saw that when I was over at your house last night waiting for Mark (who didn't show until late ::sob::) and I was wondering. (Hope the Linkin Park show rocked, BTW.)
of course I want it. You'd think that a pile of junk cluttering my house already would disuade me, but nooooo!
Comments 5
Yeah, I heard about Howie's foulness. Ewww! Did Howie have a band with him or was he solo? That thing with the petals was incredible!
I actually saw them live twice last year! whee!
of course I want it. You'd think that a pile of junk cluttering my house already would disuade me, but nooooo!
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