It hangs them up to see someone like you

Feb 15, 2007 15:51

Here's my Lost love review, and what a great treat that ep was for Valentine's Day, because I LOVED everything about it!

Standard Disclaimer Applies: I'm writing this before I've read anyone else's reviews. Sorry for any repeats!

Flashes Before Your Eyes )

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Comments 25

eponine119 February 15 2007, 22:28:20 UTC
big hint about what Dharma's role is, I think, by speaking of the universe as being "course-correcting

This struck me as rather insightful: isn't that what dharma, the concept, is? Sort of?

Your icon strikes me, too...if you take it as "lost" the notion rather than "Lost" the television show, the idea that being lost is about where it takes you off the path...I really like that. I've never been good at being lost; it stresses me out very badly. The idea that those steps off the path are part of the journey itself is one I need to think about.


nailsinthenight February 16 2007, 20:14:43 UTC
I just looked "dharma" up on Wikipedia, and now my mind really is bent. I have no idea wtf it means! But I will admit to being a geek and knowing more than I'll admit to about "The Lost Experience," and that's the idea behind it, that the Dharma Initiative was formed to prevent an "inevitable" major disaster. Maybe that's why the last ep felt like such a huge reveal to me, because it seems to dovetail with the theories that have been explored there.

The idea that those steps off the path are part of the journey itself is one I need to think about.

My post made you think, and now your response is giving me food for thought. That's a good way of looking at life; it's all a journey and even the times we feel lost are necessary steps along the road. For so long, we thought that the question at the heart of Lost was which will win out, faith or science, but I think now we know that it's a question of free will vs. destiny. I'm more interested than ever in seeing how it all plays out ( ... )


eponine119 February 16 2007, 20:49:44 UTC
Oh, yay, cause I could use a dose of long and rambly!


Dharma 711gambit February 17 2007, 04:01:57 UTC
Dharma seems to have a range of meanings, depending on which strand of eastern tradition you are drawing from. It can refer to an underlying order in nature that humans should try to align themselves with. That seems to be the idea behind the jewelry lady talking about a universe that “corrects course” and allows only limited amounts of free will ( ... )


cynthia_arrow February 15 2007, 22:40:16 UTC
but I discovered the depth of my love for Desmond when I realized that I didn't even miss Jack and Sawyer*smiles* I kept telling people the man was special ( ... )


nailsinthenight February 16 2007, 20:24:21 UTC
I already liked him, and he grew on me when I wrote him in my last series (so much that I just keep going with it, even though I don't feel like posting for some reason), but after that ep I absolutely love him. I still need some icons, darn it!

I've never written Sawyer/Sayid. I just don't feel like I "get" Sayid enough to write him. I've only written Jack and Desmond as friends, but I think they've got good chemistry. Or will have, if canon ever lets them be together for any length of time. I just feel like that scene in the stadium was vitally important somehow. Argh, I'm so curious to know the answers, but when we do it'll be over, and I don't want that, so, yay for being mystified! :)


inthekeyofd February 15 2007, 22:47:44 UTC
That is such a great review, now I feel bad that my response may seem a little goes:

I love that you mentioned his apartment, I loved it myself!!!!

I'm so glad that it was Desmond and Penelope on Valentines day because for me, that relationship is one of the few that really is about true love, it could be argued that there is also Jin and Sun, but for me, they don't come close to Desmond and Penelope, actually, at the end of last season I said they were the key to getting of the island because really, OUTSIDE OF SIBLINGS AND PARENTS, Desmond has someone out there that LOVES HIM.

Drunk!Desmond, he reminds me of a really polite and better mannered Jack have to love Desmond.


nailsinthenight February 16 2007, 20:28:12 UTC
I think Jin and Sun have a bit of a "dark" love, whereas Desmond and Penny's has more of a feeling of light. They've had their problems, too, but that only makes them seem more authentic. They have the feel of an epic love story, and I think that Lost needs one. And yes, Desmond has Penny's love to help him survive the island, and no one else seems to have anything like that. That's one of the reasons why I suspect he could be the key to Lost.

Desmond as Jack Sparrow, LOL! I'd never have thought of it, but now that you bring it up, I can totally see it!


Part I ficangel February 16 2007, 00:34:47 UTC
Drunk!Desmond is love.

You can join the timeshare that Kate and I have going. He's so prickly when he's hammered! Oh, and breaking my heart by thinking that Charlie and Hurley were actually there to be his buddies. Poor guy. I'm on the verge of woobifying him, I know, but I don't think that he relates to the island people all that easily.

I can't decide if I like bearded scruffy Desmond or clean-shaven tie-wearing Desmond better. I don't think he's Sawyer-level hot by any means, but his looks have grown on me as his character has.

You and me both, honey. As long as he keeps hitting my hair kink, I think I like 'em both. He is an odd kind of hot, I agree. A lot of it is about how freaking good Henry is at this job at the end of the day. That look that he had while Daddy Widmore was calmly, methodically destroying him was perfect: disbelief, hurt, the very first beginnings of anger. I nearly cried.

Realistically, neither relationship has staying power. But I can see Penny/Desmond as being a true love story, where it's ( ... )


Re: Part I nailsinthenight February 16 2007, 20:35:20 UTC
I love comments that come in parts. :)

I don't think that he relates to the island people all that easily.

No, he doesn't. He's the odd man out, after all; the only one who didn't fall from the sky. They're obviously still suspicious of him, which would be natural, I guess, but he seems to be such a decent guy that I'm totally with you in feeling sorry for him.

Penelope needed to be a spitfire who both loves and hates in extremes and doesn't hold grudges for long. It's the only personality type that can successfully combat, and ultimately mesh with, Desmond's grandiose gestures and tendencies towards over the top brooding.

Ooh, I love that analysis! And put that way, I'd be a perfect match for Desmond, too! ;) Sawyer might oughtta watch out, he's off cheating with Kate and now I think he's got competition for the man of my heart....

Thank you for sharing him with me. :D


Part II ficangel February 16 2007, 00:35:52 UTC

As long as they keep telling us stories with SUBSTANCE like that one, that raised the question of time travel and whether or not we can live our lives over and fix our mistakes, then I can live without answers for a very long time. I'm enjoying the journey; I'm in no hurry to get to the destination.

YES. Look, I get it if people want to step out now that Lost has recommited itself to being a sci-fi show. That's just not some people's thing. But the show has marketed itself as a sci-fi show from the very beginning, ever since we first saw the monster, and so far as I'm concerned last night was just a matter of it shaking off the distractions and getting back to its roots. I can't blame someone for not digging that. I have a very low tolerance for Harlequins, though I've read some that were actually very good. But someone wanting to duck out because Lost is ultimately just not their thing doesn't mean that it's not good. And when Lost is on its game, it's flat-out capable of greatness.

Oh, and I don't think Charlie's doomed. ( ... )


Re: Part II nailsinthenight February 16 2007, 20:55:35 UTC
But someone wanting to duck out because Lost is ultimately just not their thing doesn't mean that it's not good. And when Lost is on its game, it's flat-out capable of greatness.

Word. I sensed a kind of defiance in that ep; they truly committed themselves to being a sci-fi show, and I love them for taking a stand. I've felt it coming in their increasingly like-it-or-lump-it attitude, which I haven't always liked, but I really respect it that they're standing by their vision. And I don't think that the ones who are in it for something else -- romance, action, psychological drama, etc., are going to be cheated, either. I hope they don't all run screaming from the sci-fi angle. I think that Lost is big enough to encompass all of those things. But finally, after 2 1/2 years, we know what the show is about, and I think it's fascinating.

as long as he remains on the side of the angels without anyone pulling him to the side and telling him that this kind of shit is not okay.You mean like Michael? *eyeroll* Yeah, I agree, letting ( ... )


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