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Comments 9

laudre May 18 2012, 22:39:59 UTC
... Bwuh? Spec switching?

I was under the impression -- both from what little I've done noodling around in the beta and seen elsewhere -- that they were based on your class, so that, for example, all shamans would be offered a caster option and a slow melee option, but not see the strength 2-handers or fast agility daggers.


the__ivorytower May 19 2012, 05:23:02 UTC
Not at higher levels. What you get at higher levels is, if it's armor, you get to see the reward for your present spec, and can switch to see the one in your second spec. If it's a weapon or a trinket, it seems to show all of the options available that you can use.

As an example, my paladin only sees prot gear until she switches specs, but gets a prot, holy and ret option for trinkets and weapons.

It's... slightly annoying, but not very, and there are vendors that sell comparable gear in each zone anyway.


chn_breathmint May 19 2012, 00:28:07 UTC
Now I just wish dungeon boss drops would do this. It would be the one thing standing between me and my return to WoW.

- Mel


innocent_man May 19 2012, 00:30:16 UTC
Every time I think about getting into WoW, I read one of your posts and remember that it's a game with other people on the Internet. And then I'm like, no thanks! I'll stick to the Xbox, where I can just play with myself!

You heard me.


chn_breathmint May 19 2012, 00:46:40 UTC

- Mel


yukie1013 May 19 2012, 07:05:29 UTC
The crazybutt Outland itemization makes me giggle so hard. So too does the Vanilla stuff wherein mage hear has spirit on it, because (yay old podcasts) Arcane used to get perks from Spirit stat via some nifty talent. Now mages do not use eet. So eet eez funny XD

And wow, like--that is not dumbing down quest reward selection, that's customizing it. More variety and customization in a game like WoW is good, dammit. (This is why I chide them for being so f-damn lazy and taking OUT class quests rather than updating them. See also: where the hell is the Path of Titans you dingbats. See also also: you could have done something really cool in Silithus but you didn't, this is why we don't rush. In conclusion: I'm an ass, but an ass who understands fairly well how marketing works XD)


laudre May 19 2012, 20:40:24 UTC
Another reason all the old vanilla gear had spirit all over it was because, for a long time in beta, Spirit was something of a god stat, doing all kinds of nifty things (the one I've heard specifically mentioned was boosting proc rates). I don't know the details, but it's the explanation I was told for why it was sprayed everywhere.


yukie1013 May 19 2012, 21:27:49 UTC
I've heard that--I listen to a lot of old podcasts (it helps me focus at work and I love hearing all the old Vanilla era conspiracy theories about Ashbringer and AQ and Timolain's Phylactery) and a few of the hosts made mentions of that. Apparently there was a talent in the Arcane tree that used the spirit stat as something that improved your mana regen rate (I don't know how or if this stacked with the old mana-per-5-seconds stat) or something...?

I tried to recall what gear set was mentioned specifically and find it on Wowhead, but couldn't. I did however find out that the Judgement set has a HECK of a lot of resist stats on it!


kespernorth May 20 2012, 07:47:26 UTC
Checking in from the background: Wow, I would love to see these guys dropped into my game of choice, EVE. The succulent tears would never end.


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