Welcome to my new fandom, Reaper!
Pick 10 characters of your favorite fandom & answer the questions :3
1. Sam
2. Andi
3. Ted
4. Sock
5. Ben
6. The Devil
7. Katie
8. Gladys
9. Mr. Oliver
10. Mrs. Oliver
Let’s get started!
1. If #4 and #9 go to the cinema, what film would they choose? Popcorn or sweets?
Some disgusting porno flick. As for food, who knows?? But there'd definitely be beer involved. Is that allowed on cinemas??
2. #1, #3 and #10 are baking a cake together. What sort of cake are they making? Will it taste good?
Hmm.. chocolate cake?? I'm sure it would taste wonderful cause I'm sure Mrs. Oliver is a great cook.
3. You wake up in the middle of the night and see #2 and #7 fighting. #2 lies on the ground injured. How will #7 react and what are you doing?
NOOOOOO!!!!!! Screw you, Katie!! Sam belongs to Andi!!!!
4. #8 makes a mix tape for #4. What songs does he/she choose?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Flashback to The Cop. How about "Be My Bad Boy"?
5. Describe #5 in one word.
6. How does #3 show his/her love for #10?
Giving her his employee discount at The Work Bench. No doubt about that.
7. #2 is pregnant. Who is the father?
Sam. Yay!!!!!!
8. #7 betrays #3 with #1, who's in a relationship with #10. #4 admits to you that he/she likes #7. What is your first reaction?
Firstly, good for Katie for seeing that Sam is WAAAAAY better than Ted. Sam in a relationship with his mother?? Must be the work of The Devil;) Sock likes Katie?? Not as big a deal as you might think.
9. What would happen if #9 and #5 were catapulted into the Middle Ages?
They'd get back quicker than you can say douchebag. After all, they have pretty good heads on their shoulders.
10. #2 has depression. What will #8 do to help him/her?
Erm... show her what hell is like so that she'd be thankful for what she has???
11. #6, #3 and #9 are drunk and pass by a Love Hotel. What will happen next?
One word: Yikes.
12. Will #6 be a good president?
Hell, No!!! (No pun intended)
13. #8 is now a member of Scientology...
She's gonna use that for evil...
14. And #1 is Miss Universe...
Trying to get Sock's attention with that pretty dress, are you?;)
15. #4, #2 and #10 are sitting in the same train compartment. What do they do to keep from being bored?
Sock would definitely entertain them.
16. What lies on #5, #6 and #7's nightstands?
Ben: Something normal, I hope. He's the only normal one out of the bunch.
The Devil: Don't even wanna think about that.
Katie: The necklace Sam gave her which is supposed to belong to Andi. Again, screw you, Katie!!!
17. How is #3's life?
Douchebag--y. I really love this word.
18. #2 and #6 have a child together. How does #7 react?
Whoa!!! Katie would hate her supposed father even more now. That's pretty low, even for The Devil. To knock up his bounty hunter's love.
19. What's in the bathroom of #8?
Stuff for torturing people.
20. #1 and #4 are participating in the Olympic Games. Which sport do they choose and are they successful? And who will come to encourage them?
Some sick sport, like gymnastics. I'm sure Sock would enjoy the tights. Andi and Ben would definitely come support them.
21. You are coming home from a hard day and find #1 and #6 on your bed. Feeding each other strawberries. You...?
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! Go to hell!!!!!!!!!!
22. Why do you hate #5?
I don't hate him!!!! I think he's the bomb!!!! Love the hair.
23. You see #10 cry. Why is he/she crying?
Cause her son's going to hell.
24. Would #8 ever rape #2?
Well, she's gonna go to hell anyway....
OMG!!!! I can't get enough of this meme!!!! I'll do one more for High School Musical and then I'll move on to another one. I swear...