
Jun 21, 2005 17:28

Ugh :/ Today is such a dull day. I'm walking about in a mist completely lost doing nothing. I'm such a mess. I haven't bothered to shower or comb my hair. I guess I'm still tired from yesterday's walk into town and back home. I got the brilliant idea to save a bit of money, so instead of taking the bus I walked all the way into town and then back ( Read more... )

school, art, drawing, feeling down

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Comments 8

flankblack June 21 2005, 16:58:42 UTC
I think you are someone who is suffering under the curse, "May you live in interesting times." No one is really sure where or when this "curse" originated (some say China, some say Scotland, no one really knows), but it is becoming more obvious that many today live under it. I think it means that when we live in a time when we have the time and access to so many interesting things, we have a hard time focusing on one of them. In your case, you seem to be interested in everything, so you have to give a little of your time to all of those things (school, friends, famiily, drawing, painting, anime, manga, bunnies, travel, photography, etc.) So don't feel bad, you are not alone. You are too young to worry about such things. When something becomes very important to you, it will rise up and attract your attention. Meanwhile, this is the time in your life when you should be trying new things to experience more of life. In the end, you may find something that captures you so much that you will focus more on it than other things. Or, ( ... )


nackrufs June 21 2005, 20:31:36 UTC
If you lived one hundred years ago, you'd probably be married by now and be taking care of kids and your husband! Yuck!

Haha. Yuck, indeed! :) That's certainly one way to look at it. Thanks :P

But yes, that is so true. I often feel it is that way, and I guess it could be a good thing ^^ Trying out new things and all that. I usually have these periods when I concentrate on one thing, as you say, and it works quite well (except that I feel it doesn't lead anywhere sometimes). The thing is, the period when I draw a lot never really occurs, even though I LOVE drawing :/ The best would of course be if it'd be a part of my everyday life, if I'd be drawing every day and it felt completely "natural", but I'd be happy if only it would happen now and then. But no, not even that. That's what bugs me :/

Thanks for your long comment :) It's appreciated.


funni June 21 2005, 18:38:22 UTC
oh I know exactly what you mean -.-;;; with the drawing-block thingy that is..
It seems like my creative period is autumn.. but sometimes in summer, I take a lot of drawing-stuff along with a blanket and just lay around in the sun all day, drawing, reading, eating.. it works sometimes ;) hopefully you return with a few doodles at least..

try sitting down with a pen and paper, and FORCE yourself to draw something. It's not as fun, but who know, it might loosen up.


nackrufs June 21 2005, 20:35:35 UTC
Thank you, I should try that. It might help, yes :) When I had the art course at school I *had* to draw, so I did. Forcing myself could be good.

Ah.. drawing, reading and eating on a blanket in the sun sounds very tempting :)


funni June 22 2005, 08:57:43 UTC
same here, art class was the only thing keeping me drawing for a while.. I never did it on my free time back then. Now it's a little better, but still.. ah well, I'm going to my summerhouse now, so hopefully I'll be so bored I'll draw because of that ^^


nackrufs June 22 2005, 16:24:40 UTC
:D Yes. It would be nice seeing some new art by you.

I hope you'll have a nice time at your summer house :)


quasilie June 22 2005, 01:37:36 UTC
Jag tyckte i alla fall att det var en jättefin tavla även om du inte är 100% nöjd med den. När jag bara snabbt scrollade igenom min friends list så reagerade jag direkt och tänkte "wow, snygg, vem var det som hade gjort den?". :) Så det så, phhhhhrrrtt!!

Urgh, jag är precis som du på det sättet - dålig disciplin! :) Om ingen tvingar en så blir det inget gjort. Nu försöker jag sluta sitta så mycket framför datorn för det är inte direkt hälsosamt och då blir jag så uttråkad att jag sätter mig och ritar istället för det är det enda jag kan komma på att göra. Så du får väl hoppas på att din dator sprängs eller något liknande. :P Annars kan du alltid skaffa dig en Mattias. Det gjorde jag, och tack vare att han är så fantastiskt talangfull har jag utvecklats jättemycket under året, trots att jag också var blockerad i början. Whee.

[slut på pissdåliga råd]


nackrufs June 22 2005, 08:20:44 UTC
:D :D Åh, nu blev jag glad.

Äh, de är jättebra, för det stämmer så väl. Det är dålig disciplin, helt klart. Jag kan faktiskt inte sitta lika mycket vid datorn nu, för min pappa behöver den för att skriva.. :) Så det kanske kan vara bra. Det där med att det blir lättare när man har någon annan som inspirerar är verkligen sant. Min kompis Maria är väldigt konstnärlig av sig, så ibland har vi träffats för en "kreativ dag". Det är hur bra som helst. Man borde verkligen göra sånt oftare.

TACK! ^__^


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