Title: Circles (Full Circle pt. 6)
Pairing: Jongdae/Joonmyun
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: experimental prose, terminal illness, major character death
Disclaimer: I own nothing, written just for fun.
A/N: Thank you to
bluedreaming who helped with a lot of things. (and I'm sorry, Jongdae T.T)
Soundtrack is
here. First part originally posted
March 1, 2015: 2:24AM
Darkness wisps in curls around the room in slow moving circles.
If I arched my back slowly, curving my spine around the darkness, our noses would brush.
I want to kiss you
Hard, on the mouth
Our mouths overlapping circles moving in the curling dark.
Sliding into deeper, darker spheres, I still feel the round shapes of you against my back.
Soft, round beauty, getting lost in the swirling expanse.
I want to kiss you
Lips and tongue and teeth
Connected as we move through familiar, rotating spheres, unremembered in morning.
I see us, rocking invisible circles through the air, alone on the front porch.
Evening air is fresh like the sweet tea swirling in our glasses.
I want to kiss you
Feel your circles in my mouth
My mouth surrendering bright, bitter lemon residues to the movement of your sweet tongue.
Next to you is almost enough.
Someday is never. It’s alright, I know.
Next to you is…enough.
For now, we love. I love back. I pray I don’t break any circles, 'cause secretly,
I want to kiss you
Softly explore your mouth
Your mouth that is a soft, dark room, a bed where we lay still together, only our souls moving.
(part five here) (part seven here)