Good Stuff

Dec 21, 2014 23:22

Title: Good Stuff
Pairing: Minseok/Takaki
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluffy fluff
Disclaimer: I own nothing, written just for fun.
Summary: Minseok and Takaki go shopping the day after Christmas.  Minseok would rather be in bed, but his bf is cute.
A/N:s Because the wonderful Holly enables my crackfluff, and because crossover = <3  (Merry Christmas, friend!! <3)

“Hey! How about this one?”

“Yuya, that looks like a pregnant dwarf. Put it back.” Minseok points to the shelf from whence the ornament (a red globe with santa head, hands, and feet attached like starfish points) came.

“Aw! But isn’t he cute? And we need more decorations for our apartment next year, you agreed!”

“Yeah, but…” Minseok squirms, sliding his palms on the handle of their cart, and tries not to let the pout taking over Takaki’s face affect him. “Let’s find something tasteful. There’s gotta be something good in this mess.”

“I thought the point of end-of-holiday sales was that the “good stuff” is already taken,” Takaki continues to pout, but he chucks the Violet Veruca-esque santa onto a pile of rainbow garlands. Minseok gives him a weak smile, reaching over to straighten his hat with a gentle tug to the ear flaps and Takaki smiles, santa already forgotten.

Minseok shuffles forward, navigating their cart around an island of food coloring and red and green baking chips. He frowns, scanning the jumbled collection of window clings and tinsel packs and styrofoam snowflakes left on the shelves.

If he were back home in Korea, Minseok would still be cozily tucked into bed, not crushed in a stampede of shoppers in the White Plains Walmart. Who buys home decor at Walmart, anyway? They should’ve gone to Macy’s, but Takaki was driving today as usual, so here they are.

Actually, no. If Minseok was back in Korea, he’d probably be on the subway with a latte in one hand and a sweet potato pastry in the other, because the day after Christmas is just a normal work day in Korea, no different from February 15th, or the 5th of July.

Americans, however, take their holiday discount shopping quite seriously. And Takaki’s enthusiasm to participate is a reminder that he’s maybe more Americanized than Minseok realizes. It’s easy to forget they’ve lived in New York almost a decade now, what with Takaki’s Sashimi Saturdays and his penchant for dancing around the house half naked to live streams of Shokura.

“Yuya?” Minseok calls, having lost track of his boyfriend in the crowd along with his train of thought. “Yuya! Where--”

“Right here, Hyung!”

Minseok gasps in surprise and relief as long fingers dig into his waist for a quick squeeze.

“Check it out, yo!”

“Yuya, no.” Minseok frowns deeper, caught between burying himself alive in a pile of neon jelly 1D ornaments, and strangling Takaki with his feather trimmed scarf. “That thing is not going in my house, no!”

“But--!” Takaki’s shoulders slump inside his padded coat but his fingers clutch the box even tighter.

“No singing fish. No,” Minseok insists, because he’s a successful lawyer, dammit, and he has to entertain clients and partners at their home. Even chucked up in the loft where no one can see it, Minseok just knows an obnoxious robotic fish would manage a way to turn his life even more 90’s sitcom than it already is.

“It’s not for me, dummy. It’s for Yamada.”

“Oh,” Minseok blinks, and feels slightly like an asshole. “Well, give it here then.” He grabs the fish and sets the box in their cart, up front in the foldout baby seat so he can keep an eye on it nice and close. Minseok has an intrinsic mistrust of battery operated objects (vibrators notwithstanding), because they tend to grow minds of their own once released from their industrial strength plastic packaging shackles.

“Thanks, Hyung!” Takaki singsongs and sneaks a garland of Alice In Wonderland themed tinsel into the cart as well.

And Minseok lets him, because well, it’s still Christmas after all, and Takaki loves sparkly and whimsical things, and Minseok loves him for it.

“Are we done now? Can we go get hot chocolate?”

“Ok,” Minseok nods. They’ve reached the end of the last mark down aisle, and who buys ornaments from Walmart, anyway. He can go to a proper boutique tomorrow and browse the Martha Stewart Country Christmas collections at his own pace, without having to fight the crowds.


“Sure, kiddo,” Minseok smiles, beaming when Takaki squeals and drops a kiss to his forehead.

“Let’s go!” Takaki says, and his gloved hand finds Minseok’s as they push their cart to the checkout. And maybe Minseok doesn’t mind being out of bed on December 26th after all, as long as he gets to spend it with Takaki.

kim minseok | xiumin, takaki yuya, exo, au, hey! say!

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