Title: Seeing Past La Vie en Rose Fandom: American Idol S8 Pairing: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert Genre: Romance Movie AU Word Count: 22,918 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Ive been looking forward to your story so so much! I love the Sabrina movie, with Harrison Ford I cant even tell you how often Ive seen it.
it was such a good idea to twist the story and make Kris fall in love with Adam from the beginning, so that Adam didnt see Kris, like Brad didnt see Adam. or so it seemed. :)
Comments 2
I love the Sabrina movie, with Harrison Ford I cant even tell you how often Ive seen it.
it was such a good idea to twist the story and make Kris fall in love with Adam from the beginning, so that Adam didnt see Kris, like Brad didnt see Adam. or so it seemed. :)
great job!!
I'm more partial to the original, but I do love Harrison Ford. He made a very nice Linus.
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