The given sentence: "He continued stroking her head even after she'd stopped crying."
Mission: Find the pre-assumptions in the sentence. Explain your reasoning.
Pre-assumptions found:
- She had cried.
- He stroked her head while she cried.
- She had stopped crying.
In order to stop stroking somebody, firstly the action must be begun
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Comments 6
I'm not near as good at this as you are, I'm not a comparative linguist, so I am not making any pre-assumptions at all relative to what action he / she will next perform.
Maybe this would all sound better in Classical Polish? .... pre-assuming you have not dropped it yet lol
2) That's not comparative linguistics, just plain old bullshitting and I have no idea why we're being taught that.
3) It's not Classical Polish, it's Standard Modern Polish! And no, I haven't dropped it yet. I like it.
Are these so much pre-assumptions as they are given facts, anyway? If he's CONTINUING something, he was doing it before, ... baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Do your teachers always give you brain-breaking assignments?
We had to differentiate between pre-assumptions and go-along sentences. They ARE given facts, because the sentence treats them as a given fact; otherwise the sentence wouldn't have been able to exist. {It's a bit hard to stroke somebody's head after she cried, when she'd never cried, after all.}
It's just the two, really, and only one of them {not this one} enjoys breaking us. I think this one suffers along us at having to give us these assignments.
-- not that I pity him in any way for having to read the answers. It is his fault I broke his brain, after all.
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