The Leg-Biting Bitch Hates Your Precious Fucking Real World

Nov 20, 2011 20:14

The problem with the myth of the socially-inept gamer/internet user who allows their social skills to atrophy because they spend too much time in a fantasy world is that it is a PILE OF SHIT.

Look, with as many human beings as we've crammed onto the planet, I'm sure these people do exist. Though seldom articulated, there's an asshole corollary to ( Read more... )

lycanthropy, leg-biting bitch, rants

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Comments 78

sea_of_flame November 21 2011, 10:55:32 UTC
There is just so much to love about this post ;)

Rule 34-but-re-assholes = Rule 34A henceforth?


lizblackdog November 21 2011, 11:12:29 UTC
You are stone cold awesome and I adore you. This is exactly why I spend MY life on the Internet too.


queenlyzard November 21 2011, 23:57:33 UTC
This times a million. Also, laughing too hard to breathe. Naamah, my dear, you are made of pure weapons-grade win smothered in extra-creamy awesomesauce.


xanguisettex November 21 2011, 11:12:47 UTC
Yes. This.

Were it not for other people I could talk to at 3AM,

Were it not for resources to find other people who understood,

Were it not for an outlet where I learn about drawing and writing and share my progress,

Were it not for an online diary that was safe from my intrusive mother,

Were it not for a wonderful source of distraction during awful times,

I really doubt I'd be here.
I really, honestly do.

Without the good ol' intarwebz, I'd probably be dead or still be living in my bedroom, unable and unwilling to come out or go anywhere because of panic attacks, friendless, miserable, and constantly on the verge of suicide.

But because of the good ol' intarwebz...I have the ability to stay in contact with a lot of beloved friends. I can distract myself pretty easily when it gets shitty. And it keeps me working on the things that are important to me, like my writing.

In short: Yay intarwebz!

Thank you for posting this.


lots42 November 21 2011, 11:30:09 UTC
A full day of shopping and dealing with psychotic drivers on the road and screaming kids and people who just don't LOOK or care makes me want to play video games more myself.


elialshadowpine November 21 2011, 11:31:23 UTC
And people like to say that certain places on the internet, like WoW, are just a cesspool, but that ignores the fact that there are some really awesome people in those areas. It's actually NOT that difficult to avoid assholes in WoW. You just have to find a good guild, and if you know where to look, that is not always a problem. I lead a social justice-aware guild that is in particular aware of feminist and disability issues, and we have a ton of people who are GBLT, poly, or kinky. And I've been in several guilds LIKE THIS. I have basically spent the past 3 years in WoW playing in guilds that are effectively a safe space, and certainly a safer space for me than LJ has been. I stay out of the general channels, I group with guildies, and all is good ( ... )


stormerider November 21 2011, 14:25:25 UTC
If the internet is a cesspool (which is a premise I find inherently flawed), then you're the pearls amongst the swine that I happened to find. *cuddles*


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