Smilodon atrociter

Sep 23, 2009 04:28

I occasionally -- very occasionally -- do line art, and thought I would share one of my favorite recent pieces. It's just a quick RPG visual aid/character sketch that turned out good enough to polish up, but I like it.

I wanted to design the saber-toothed cat to end all saber-toothed cats, the ne plus ultra of raging paleofeline death, but I didn ( Read more... )

art, jesus christ it's a lion, bones, pics, cats

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Comments 45

bat_cheva September 23 2009, 10:53:35 UTC
That.. Is. Awesome. :)


naamah_darling September 23 2009, 10:57:29 UTC
I was working on it a lot at your house while we were gaming, so I am pretty sure you've seen him before. :D

I wish these guys were real. I really do.


bat_cheva September 23 2009, 10:59:52 UTC
Ahhhhhhh!! That's what that was!

And, well, yes, in an abstract sort of way. I certainly wouldn't want to meet a live one. *laughs*


naamah_darling September 23 2009, 11:20:15 UTC
I wouldn't want to meet a live one unless he could turn into a really hot guy, for instance. Or was at least smart enough to care about the difference between me and second breakfast.

Lions and so forth are bad enough, when you start reading about how dangerous and destructive they are. Because we mostly know animals from movies, and movies shortchange animals on a regular basis, we really don't have enough respect for the furry, carnivorous nightmares we already share the planet with.

I am almost inevitably disappointed in movies that have real animals as monsters. The only exception that leaps to mind is The Ghost and the Darkness, which is fantastic.

Don't get me started on the stupidity of the Narnia movies, in which Reepicheep is unstoppable but the larger animals are apparently completely incapable of doing a goddamn thing.


sargon999 September 23 2009, 11:00:53 UTC
I think you mean they *occlude* the premolars.

I was thinking of them having a SIZ of about 30-34, which would give a weight of 700-1200 pounds. Even the little ones would dwarf modern lions, which top out around 500 lbs. Of course, Arius was SIZ 40, which means he weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 1800 lbs. In other words, roughly the size of a Cape Buffalo - a BIG Cape Buffalo.


naamah_darling September 23 2009, 11:14:45 UTC
Nope. It's "occult." As in "to hide completely." "Occlude" would also work, but has a specific meaning in a dental context involving proper bite alignment, etc.

They're tall and built heavy in the front, so big males could easily hit a thousand pounds. Arius was just a monster, which was the whole point.


apocalypticbob September 23 2009, 12:40:42 UTC
Dude. That's really cool! Those teeth are WICKED!


theryk September 23 2009, 13:56:37 UTC
This completely paleo-kick ass!


white_jenna September 23 2009, 14:13:32 UTC
This is incredibly awesome. Truly. Would love to see the comparison sketches as well. :D
If you don't have The Big Cats and Their Fossil Relatives (text by Turner, art by Anton), you need to get it. Basically 200 pages of text and anatomical drawings. Immediately what I thought of when I saw this.


sargon999 September 23 2009, 19:37:30 UTC
Of course she has it dear.


naamah_darling September 23 2009, 19:37:36 UTC
Yup. LOVE that book. CUDDLE that book. It's awesome.


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