On Cynicism and Hope

Oct 20, 2008 02:23

In light of the great light bulb of "Goddamn, I wish I'd thought to say that!" which is currently blinking over my head, I would like to direct you to two posts that make a point I have been inarticulately trying articulate for a really long time.

First, coffeeem leads off with this entry, which explains that cynicism is not the same as wisdom or ( Read more... )


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Comments 76

peacockdress October 20 2008, 12:48:02 UTC
Wonderful post, thank you, very thought provoking. The final section reminded me of the closing episode of Angel, and the final point is genius. Very timely words even outside of the US election madness, when many of us are scrambling to hang onto the pennies.

Having first heard the story years ago, I'm still searching for the perfect piece of starfish jewellery.


ozarque October 20 2008, 12:52:47 UTC
Thank you for posting this. I'm on your side.


naamah_darling October 20 2008, 19:41:35 UTC
Thank you! That means a lot to me.


sjo October 20 2008, 13:06:32 UTC
I am not surprised. That doesn't stop me from fighting it.


erinlin October 20 2008, 13:22:06 UTC
I love that story about starfish. I first heard it when I was in high school, and it's carried me through some rough spots.


eldriwolf October 20 2008, 16:35:42 UTC


eldriwolf October 20 2008, 23:49:09 UTC
**what that meant was,--*Please see my post to the main thread-
-- please, go and read Loren Eisley


naamah_darling October 20 2008, 19:42:55 UTC
It's all that allows me to face stuff like orphan kittens and vanishing wildlife and abuse, you know? I'm sure on some level it's schmaltzy, but I don't care. At least I'm not paralyzed.


stormcaller3801 October 20 2008, 13:26:08 UTC
I came up with a response for this based on observation and personal habit- but after some consideration I realized that there was a decent chance I'd make an ass out of myself in the process.

So instead my comment is: you can make a difference. If only in that you can get someone to consider whether they're going to say something stupid.


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