Two quick notes that will make you pull your hair and scream.
First, via
Feministing, there's
this asshole. Colorado Representative Larry Liston called pregnant teenagers "sluts":
Liston used the derogatory term during a Republican caucus lunch on health care to express his view that unmarried teen parents are sexually promiscuous and to
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Comments 74
Bastard assfucking shitheel rat-raping jerkoff fuckheads.
I've been on the receiving end of a date-rape. I didn't prosecute, and it's too late now. But though I regret it, it likely wouldn't have done any good. I live in a college town in Alabammer, and would have been laughed off as a drunken SLUT had I brought it to the authorities. I've seen how they respond to such accusations, "Well, it's your word against his. Too bad." I might have been taken seriously had he left any marks, but alas, he was too careful for that.
I'm signing off now, because I could rant on this for HOURS.
I wish I could write a coherent response, other than "fuck, this IS a joke, right?"
"Calm down baby."
*me sputtering more*
"Steph, he's so old he smellslike dirt. He ain't gonna matter much longer."
So I calmed myself down by picturing the attendants in the morgue raping him. Did you know that after an autopsy, they drop your brain in the bottom of your torso? I mean, its not that far of a move, since it seems his brain already lives in his ass, but still. Almost makes me wish I had a penis, so I could fuck his ass and his brain at the same time. Ooo, squishy! And of course, I would be responsible with my penis, and triple bag it. Cuz its always the ones that yell the loudest that have the most to hide.
I do know they just saw the top of your skull off to get at it.
This is why I plan on having it in my will that unless there is clear evidence of foul play, I am to be cremated and not autopsied at all.
During a full scale autopsy, they'll remove the brain and most of the of the other organs to do testing on them. They'll just saw the skull open, around the forhead. (I can't quite remember how they cut it to prevent to cut from being visible on the forhead, but I'm sure the info is out there.) They put it back in the torso to keep brain material from leaking onto the pillow.
Oddly enough, I learned this in high school, because I was seriously considering becoming a forensic psychologist, and I thought that I ought to know exactly what happens in the morgue.
That is one of the more succinct statements of "I am either a moron or a liar" that I've heard from a politician. And not for lack of competition.
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