Little Red Umbrella

Jun 22, 2006 17:56

Today I slapped on my Supergirl shirt and got holes poked in me for the benefit of people I will never meet. I did it for love; for the love other people have for that person I'll never meet, and for the love I have for people I know who've been saved by transfusions. I did it because I can't pay back the people who gave blood to save members of ( Read more... )

red cross

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Comments 77

jensa_chan June 22 2006, 23:32:25 UTC
I wanted to thank you for what you're doing. I'm so glad there are some people out there than can and will give blood. Having been in a situation where I may have needed a blood transfusion in the past, I know the value of blood.

I wish I could be brave enough to do it. :/ If my needle phobia wasn't so bad that I had to be drugged to the teeth to get poked with a needle, I'd be out there every few months.


trialia June 22 2006, 23:36:28 UTC
Go you, honey! I'd like to be able to give blood, but I have to take medication to stave off my blood loss from heavy periods, so I'd be setting myself up for cyclic anaemia and my doctor doesn't think it's a good idea.


naamah_darling June 22 2006, 23:40:06 UTC
God, yes. That kept me out of it for YEARS. And no, it really isn't a good idea if you've got that kind of anemia. Much sympathy.


trialia June 22 2006, 23:51:02 UTC
Thanks, darling. *hug*


lea724 June 22 2006, 23:36:35 UTC
Beautifully written.


maryavatar June 22 2006, 23:43:04 UTC
Yay you! I come from a long line of blood donors, and my great grandfather donated every four months for over forty years. Unfortunately the UK blood transfusion service no longer accepts donations from people who have received transfusions, so I can't give blood any more. I console myself with the fact that I donated the maximum amount of blood I could have in the years I was allowed to.


moonchylde June 23 2006, 00:01:42 UTC
you rock. i have guilt. haven't donated in FAR too long.

I'll see about getting in tomorrow. :)


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