Crazy-Ass Cat

May 15, 2006 05:08


Mathurin is going senile, I swear to god. He's always been dotty; even in his youth he enjoyed being spanked, beheaded all manner of wildlife, and in his spare time he would crouch furtively in the closet, diligently chewing the seams of our clothing and all of our shoelaces. You could hear him in there, the quiet creak, creak of his ( Read more... )

cats, mathurin

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Comments 77

jenny_1981 May 15 2006, 10:11:41 UTC
Do you think there is anything the vet can do? Is there cat medicine for losing your mind?


achanchinou May 15 2006, 16:02:28 UTC
I'm aware of kitty valium.... heh. I wonder if this is something like alzheimers in humans. If so, I wonder if there's treatment that's actually possible to afford.


lilerthkwake May 15 2006, 11:31:09 UTC
I laughed all through this story because my 17-year-old Siamese is much the same. I've stepped on her countless times because she's always underfoot, and she assumes that she'll be fed EVERY TIME one of us is in the kitchen. She's especially bad first thing in the morning. Sun is shining? Time to begin HOWLING for breakfast. It doesn't matter that it's fucking six a.m. (and dammit, my alarm's set for seven; she'll get food in just ONE HOUR--and there's hard food down already, she just wants the good canned stuff) she will cry and cry and CRY until I either get up and feed her or put her out of the bedroom and close the door in her face. Actually, she keeps howling outside the door, but at least I can doze for a few minutes before I really have to get up.

As I say to her over and over again: "You're lucky you're cute. Otherwise I'd kill you."


lilerthkwake May 15 2006, 11:33:19 UTC

LMAO! There's one here, too! Gah!!!! At all hours of morning or night! It's woken me up at midnight, and I'm confused as hell. "What time is it? Am I supposed to be at work? Birds are singing? Why isn't it light out?"


moonchylde May 16 2006, 16:29:47 UTC
do they sing car alarms??

some of the ones in CA do... they hear them so often they think the sound are bird song, so they repeat the 'melody' of the alarms. still *sounds* like a bird, but the rhythyms/beat of it...


naamah_darling May 16 2006, 17:34:58 UTC
Yes, there was one that did that when we lived in the bad part of town! SO funny, but REALLY aggravating.


greenjeanz May 15 2006, 11:54:09 UTC
Chris' cat Tika ALREADY does some crazy shit, and she's nowhere near old. Yaaaaaaaaagh. I love her...but she does insane things. I have to tell you some of this stuff, because it truly is hilariously awful ( ... )


naamah_darling May 15 2006, 20:07:20 UTC

GOD. My cats have all at some point done things like that. Matt actuall got into the fridge at one point -- I only noticed because it wouldn't close; his tail was in the way. I opened it and he walked right out like nothing was wrong. I think he would've been fine just sitting in there until I happened to open it again (wouldn't have been more than a quarter-hour, since I was cooking).

Another cat ate the string out of a string bikini, and crapped a saucer-sized lake of liqui-poop on my floor, with the string in, like a ripcord.

Fish gets under my feet when I'm dancing. This is, like, high-impact shit -- I'm turning and flinging my feet every which way, and sometimes she just gets clobbered in her tubby side. She obviously doesn't care, because she dives right back in. I think she likes it.

Sif used to puke solid masses of undigested cat food all the time. SO FUCKING DISGUSTING. Not as bad as Mathurin, who will eat puke if you don't clean it up right fucking away (seriously, no time to find a spray bottle, even, ( ... )


greenjeanz May 15 2006, 21:17:45 UTC
Cats truly baffle me...I think that's why I tend to gravitate towards dogs more, because I can predict them once I get to know their personalities. Cats? I don't know wtf they're thinking at ANY given time.
I looked at Tika's expressions and sometimes it was like looking into the abyss, except the abyss didn't look back. The abyss didn't care; it just wanted to either be petted or left alone.

I do love the fact that she acted like I was god whenever I woke up to pee most of the time in the morning. She would be alone all night and get bored I guess. She even licked me on the face.


naamah_darling May 16 2006, 09:07:40 UTC
>>I looked at Tika's expressions and sometimes it was like looking into the abyss, except the abyss didn't look back. The abyss didn't care; it just wanted to either be petted or left alone.

*loses it completely*

That is perhaps the best cat quote ever. Perfect summary of that fucking look.


sorscha May 15 2006, 11:56:04 UTC
Muchos empathos, or something equally foreign and high-brow sounding.

My pewter longhaired cat Ruffles is turning 16 this year. He's thankfully still got all his mental faculties, but then, he still lives with my parents in the only home he's ever known with no other cats to compete with.

It's really fucking hard watching them decline physically and mentally though. When I was visiting a couple of weeks back, I got out this big ceramic fruit bowl that he used to love curling up in when he was younger. His furry little face lit up and he hopped right in... I cringed listening to his old joints pop and crack as he laid down.

He isn't grooming himself any more. His eyesight is terrible. He gets frights all the time because he's going deaf. He sleeps all day and his muscles are wasting away. But I have a beautiful photo of him from a year ago where he still looks as handsome as ever, and I treasure it, because he looks nothing like that now and yet I know he was still damn beautiful in his twilight years whenever I look at it.

... )


lilerthkwake May 15 2006, 12:05:32 UTC
Kitty nose!

My old kitty has stopped grooming herself, too, hence why I now have to bathe her (which seems so unfair, because I've always felt that one of the perks of cat ownership is that they're self-cleaning, like ovens). Plus she has started farting a lot in the past few months. I always laugh when she gets in my lap, wanting to snuggle when she's all drooly and gross and stinky. All I can think of is that song that Phoebe from Friends used to sing, "Smelly Cat". That's my kitty. Adorable. But really smelly.


sorscha May 15 2006, 12:26:48 UTC
I'm such a sook, Lil. I can't stop crying over my silly old cat now :( what a whiner. When are you coming to Oz for cuddles??


lilerthkwake May 15 2006, 14:09:49 UTC
Awww!!! Poor baby... I wish I could just pop over and hug on you. It is so sad when you think about how different they are from when they were younger--even just a couple of years younger. My kitty used to be so fat and snuggly. Now she's a stinky old bag of bones. Still totally cute, still my baby... but so old and pathetic.

A friend of mine just had to put one of her ferrets down :-( So sad. Yes, she was old and blind and sick and poopy... but it's still sad!!!


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