Swim, Walk, Swim, Walk

Apr 23, 2006 03:25

I have entered the stage of grieving that is known as the Theme Park of Constant Mood Swings ( Read more... )

panic attacks, panic, grief

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Comments 52

dubbage42 April 23 2006, 12:31:34 UTC
I always look forward to seeing pics of your completed work - each piece I have seen so far has been lovely and, quite honestly, awe inspiring. Some day, when I have some money to spare (since I'm building a house right now it won't be anytime soon) I want to have some of your pieces.

On the roller-coaster note... I can relate to that. The older I get the more of my family (the ones I like and the ones I don't) are getting older, sicker, and more frequently deader. (is that a word?)
In years past (before happiness and my hubby) I just barreled through everything with my usual dose of anger - toss in a side of indifference and a generous helping of lonliness.
They were the only things I felt for years.
Once I began to feel some happiness - I also started feeling other things. Sadness. Fear. The bad things.
But I found out that the good feelings have been more powerful than the bad (in my existance), and despite how much I may bitch about some things I am overall quite happy with my life.

Sheesh! Where did all that come from!



naamah_darling April 23 2006, 20:41:54 UTC
Oh! The house is going to be so cute! All the work and fuss and frustration of contracting aside, you must be very excited about it!

I SO wish I could have a house built to my specifications. That would rule.

I can totally relate to what you wrote. Once the indifference and anger come down a little, it's like everything else comes out. The good with the bad. I don't know why it works that way, I just know that I've been feeling everything so much more intensely lately.


wiccarowan April 23 2006, 13:14:13 UTC
If vacuum cleaners and gigolos have a "shag" setting as their default,

*snorts with laughter in very unladylike way* This is why you impress me so much. Even when you're low and shit seems to be coming your way from every direction, you're witty and funny. I just turn into a whiny cow.

How long do your art pieces take to do, and how much do they cost? A friend of mine is getting married at Midsummer and it just hit me that your stuff would make a perfect gift for her.


naamah_darling April 23 2006, 20:48:33 UTC
There's something to be said for being a whiny cow. You should see my print journal, if you want whiny cow-dom. My GOD, it's like one long squeal of anguish. Horrible.

Actually, no, you shouldn't see that. Nobody should. *wince*

I'm hoping that on my death my print journals all spontaneously combust and save me the embarrassment in the afterlife of having them read.

The boxes do, indeed, make swell wedding gifts.

Quick answer: a standard-size box runs between $230 and $250; shipping averages about $10 to anywhere in the lower 48. It takes me anywhere from two weeks to a month to do one, depending on how much other stuff I've got going on in my life and how complicated the design is.

This post has more information.


oregonrose April 23 2006, 15:30:16 UTC
"No, I do not advocate trying said mood-altering substance just to see what it is like, no matter how cool it sounds. It's all fun and games until you flip the fuck out. Also, the bad stuff will fuck your shit up like nobody's business. If five hours of the dry heaves and a 12-hour panic attack sound like your idea of fun, though, don't let me stop you. I personally think it compared unfavorably to swallowing rat poison ( ... )


naamah_darling April 23 2006, 23:40:39 UTC

The awareness is often helpful. Sadly, though it tells me what's wrong, it doesn't often tell me what I need to do about it. :/


They're in good company spooke April 23 2006, 15:52:25 UTC
Vampires, you and Logan. *nethugs*


Re: They're in good company naamah_darling April 23 2006, 20:38:41 UTC

Normally, when movie or TV characters brood, there's interesting cinematic weather. It really feels dumb to brood on a perfect sunny springtime day when there are butterflies outside.

"I'm brooding hardcore, man. Life is black and full of -- oh, hey! Swallowtail!"

Just doesn't match.


xlittle_smurfx April 23 2006, 15:53:59 UTC
Ahhh, boxes. You know, I actually have a FUND set up for me to be able to someday get one? Sad, but true. It slowly gets larger as I find change and a spare doller once in awhile. It has currently accumulated about $50, though I may have to dip into it like I did last month to help with bills. *lol ( ... )


naamah_darling April 23 2006, 23:44:56 UTC
>>Truth is, I'm never sure what to say, as I've never experienced a loss quite like that. And generalizing it seems to deminish the value of what a person meant in another's life... So I can't say I know how you feel as each person feels something intrinsically different following the death of someone they loved.

There is no right answer to the question of what to say. Thankfully, I at least appear to be the sort of person who takes everything in the spirit in which it was meant. Given that . . .


Thank you.

I'd love to do a box for you at some point, most definitely. I also maintain that saving for little luxuries is an essential life skill. Keeps you sane.

Well, as sane as it's possible to be.


xlittle_smurfx April 24 2006, 03:09:18 UTC
I'm glad that was taken right, even if it sounded a bit funky. *wince*

And in the spirit of the meaning, if not exactly the words, you're welcome. *squeeze*

Last but not least, yes, I agree wholeheartedly! I may not be -entirely- sane, but sometimes it's the little silly or frivolous or unnescessary but wonderfully amazing things that make what would otherwise be a dreary and mundane exhistance bearable. ^_^ Just got to hold on to that "someday" lol! ^_~


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