
Dec 23, 2005 01:44

Mom's going under. Dad's helping her as much as he can, and she's as comfortable as drugs can make her, but it's still not a pretty sight. She hasn't eaten in days, and hasn't been able to swallow much more than a few sips of water since Monday. It won't be long, now, not long at all, which is both the blessing and the curse of it ( Read more... )

panic attacks, philosophical, depressing, panic, mother, grief

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Comments 29

sima_zhongda December 23 2005, 08:49:05 UTC
There isn't really anything I can/should say, but I think you understand my intent, and I hope you know my thoughts are with you.

That is all.


autodidactic December 23 2005, 09:02:09 UTC
Jesus. I wish I knew what to say.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.



naamah_darling December 23 2005, 09:08:47 UTC
>>Jesus. I wish I knew what to say.

*rueful, helpless VERY LOUD laughter*

Oh, yeah. Yeah. My point exactly.

Thank you.


graciebaby_ December 23 2005, 09:08:22 UTC
I'm stunned into silence....

you and your mom are deeply on my mind.



naamah_darling December 23 2005, 18:28:04 UTC
Thank you for the thoughts.



rimestock December 23 2005, 09:08:46 UTC
Thank you.

*hugs you tight*

Thank you for sharing this with us. Thank you for trusting us enough to hope that we can somehow help you bear this pain.

Thank you for not using an lj-cut, because this is too real to let us skim past it so easily as that.

Thank you.

Love you, Naamah. Wish that there was more that we could do.


naamah_darling December 23 2005, 18:27:45 UTC
Thank you.



siliconshaman December 23 2005, 09:15:20 UTC
I can't even beguin to imagine what you're feeling... so this maybe a stupid idea or not.

But if she's conscious, why not ask her what she wants said? Admitidly, that might actualy be mor epainful, not less. But it might also be more truthful.

Otherwise, this ol'shaman is asking tPTB to watch over you,[not that they wouldn't anyway, but ya know, it doesn't hurt to ask them.]


naamah_darling December 23 2005, 09:20:00 UTC
I would, absolutely, but she's just not there anymore. In the space of a week, she's just . . . gone. We were expecting another month, because she'd had a couple of good weeks, but she just slid downhill overnight. By the time we knew this wasn't just another temporary dip, she had passed the point of being able to speak. She didn't even finish addressing her Christmas cards.



siliconshaman December 23 2005, 09:27:04 UTC
I understand. My mum went the same way. She was gone overnight, but it took her body a few more weeks to get the memo.

You have my sympathy.


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