Book Review: Heather Gladney, Teot's War

Apr 15, 2005 11:04

20) Teot's War, by Heather Gladney, 277 pagesLook, people. I am a writer. And sometimes, it scares the fuck out of me to have to write a review like this one, because I'm someday going to piss off the wrong person, and get my name on some list of People Never To Publish ( Read more... )

book reviews, bad reviews

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Comments 47

ruthling April 15 2005, 16:26:59 UTC
Thanks for the excellent tip! That books sounds awful, and also like something that, were it good, I'd only be lukewarm about anyway. The author probably needed someone with a brain to actually read the thing before it was published. Sad how infrequently that happens.


naamah_darling April 15 2005, 17:23:09 UTC
Indeed. If someone else had written it, it would've been a cool book. The idea was good. If she'd given it the proper attention, it would have worked.



nighthellcat April 15 2005, 22:03:13 UTC
*Note: this is not to imply your (or my) writing is bad.*

But of course, if this tripe can be published, there is hope for the rest of us with some modicum of talent.


naamah_darling April 15 2005, 22:34:26 UTC


thydarkheaven April 15 2005, 16:33:34 UTC
noted to the list of 'do not read'.

I'm in a reading mood just now, so I enjoy your reviews as they give me ideas of what to read.


poshcat April 15 2005, 16:41:47 UTC
I love your reviews! They're snarky and clear and always in the active voice. Plus, I always know just who's gay in them. Heh.


mira_fastfire April 15 2005, 16:56:27 UTC

And there are much better books with gay romances, like...say... Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Catch Trap.

I'm impressed that you made it through the book. ^_^;; Wow!


naamah_darling April 15 2005, 17:23:59 UTC
I have a thing where I can't not read a book I've started. It has to be really terrible before I'll give up in the middle. I'm a sucker for pain that way.


liminalia April 15 2005, 17:46:15 UTC
Hmm, an MZB book I haven't read, with gay romance? Must find.


mira_fastfire April 15 2005, 21:19:27 UTC
Yeah. ^_^ here's's page on it. Hope you enjoy it!


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illian April 15 2005, 18:35:42 UTC
Someone needs to take that lady's dictionary and thesaurus away from her.


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illian April 15 2005, 18:50:09 UTC
I'm going to blow my own horn and tell you that I'm usually the person people go to for definitions and spellings and have been since I was ten. When I have to stop and either puzzle out a word's meaning or flat out go look it up . . . eek. Can we stop the ride now? It isn't fun any more!


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