Thing I Made Thursday #23: Madame Swallowtail BDSM Pony!

Aug 13, 2012 00:19

Oh, hey. Yeah, this is late. I'm sorry.

Brace yourselves, kiddos, because it's about to get very, very wrong. And there's a LOT of pictures under the cut. (Yeah, I over-photograph my ponies. You would too, if you knew they were going to go away and you would never see them again. Sob.)

Without her harness she looks kind of like a pre-teen's idea of a superhero pony. Cute little thing.

I am especially proud of how extremely glossy and smooth she turned out! Very fetish-y.

Her butt butterfly.

For the first time, I got the tail exactly how I wanted it. It's actually harder than you'd think to get the colors to stay in chunks and not just blend in with each other all willy-nilly.

The candy colors really bump up the wrong a notch.

Her non-display side.

Ruh-roh. What's this?

It fits perfectly! And doesn't she look sweet? I love her mask! Best bit!

So wrong. So cute.

You needed a closer view of this. Admit it. This is what you came for.

Her non-display side with harness. I tried to put her pattern on in such a way that the harness would not lay over it. I did okay, I think, if not perfectly.

She looks really sweet despite, well, everything. She also looks like she has Certain Ideas.

I love her pink bunny eyes.

I know I am not supposed to be pointing out flaws, but here you can see that her white isn't perfectly white. I did my best, but didn't want to actually repaint her because white body repaints usually don't look very good.

A lot of this is covering up flaws. She had two pink marker spots on her right cheek, so I had to extend a bit of the mask down to cover them. That suggested the swallowtail theme.

The only halfway-decent picture I got of the butterfly on her chest.

It's weird realizing how much of our idea of "sexy" involves having boobs. She does not have them, so I didn't have boobs or boob-shaped clothing to work with. It was disorienting and strange. I think I did okay, if your definition of sexy is polyvinyl-clad bondage ponies. (If that's your thing, I can hardly judge.)

Her hair! I was originally going to braid it in a million little braids, but 1) I couldn't find any super-tiny orthodontic elastics in pink and clear/white for less than a very stupid price for ten billion of them,* and 2) I didn't use enough hair to get a really dense set of braids. I got more or less a single row, and that wasn't gonna be enough. So, next time. Promise.

Name and birthdate! And hoof magnet.

Some other shots of Stormlight and Swallowtail, since they are such a cute couple. Here they exchange friendly nose-rubs.

Swallowtail tells him exactly what she's thinking.

He's amenable to the idea.

Let's see what they have to play with, shall we?

Holy WOW! She has a better-stocked toy chest than I do!

Look at all that pervy gear!

What is it all? Left to right:

  • Pleasure beads!

  • Quirt!

  • Flogger!

  • Strap/slapper!

  • Lochgelly tawse!

  • Riding crop!

  • Belt/strap!

  • Harness!

  • Long single-tail with popper!

  • Short single-tail/snake whip!

  • And, below everything, a cane!

    Everything but the cane fits into the chest, which is painted with a butterfly and a heart, and lined with super-glittery pink paper that I thoughtfully covered with two layers of Triple-Thick sealer so it wouldn't get its glitter herpes all over everything.

    Most of the toys are made of real leather and PVC (electrical tape is PVC). The cane is floral wire dipped in black paint and given a nice handle. These are my first attempts, so there are things I could have done better, and I don't actually know how they'll hold up long-term. Still, I think I did a good job, and it was really fun!

    The harness I am particularly proud of. The base of it is shaped like a heart, so you know you're getting done with love. It is removable, and originally featured a removable dildo as well, but the gloss coating made it too thick to put in and remove without scraping it all up. So, next time I will do better. I learned a lot!

    I am pleased with her, overall. For a while there I was pretty sure that it wouldn't work out, but she looks good.

    She started out as a G3 Sunny Daze, just like Amor Volat! Her head still turns, too. I repainted her with the same black Liquitex spray. It's so smooth! And under three coats of high-gloss sealer, it is very sexy!

    Her hair is nylon from in (these names kill me) Old Bubblegum, Pussycat, and Virgin Snow.

    And that's that!

    When I was smoothing her hair, I used some nice conditioner to keep it from frizzing. She now, ironically, smells of vanilla.

    I don't normally go for the slick-packaged dominatrix look, I have issues with it, but I suppose this could be considered parody, or social commentary, or something. Or just something that really, really needed to be done. And should probably be done again.

    She will go up for auction on Wednesday or Thursday. She needs a new home with an appreciative audience for her perverted pony antics! I'll be starting the bidding a bit higher for her, since she comes with everything up there. Toys, box, and all.

    So that's Swallowtail, and I hope that you enjoyed her! I've been having a great time playing with her and taking pictures, even though between the shiny black and soft white and bright hair she's damn hard to photograph. Still, I think the results are good, and I hope she brightened your Monday.

    Sorry. I mean Thursday.

    * If someone has a kid with orthodontics, and could grab some in various colors next time they go in, I will cover the cost and shipping.

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  • bdsm, art, pics, ponies, my little pony customs, thing i made thursday

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