The beginning of October brings our fifth challenge here at
n3_fanvids to a close. Remember that Season 3 videos are ALWAYS welcome at any time here in the community.
Now onto the next challenge. Seeing as Numb3rs is sadly absent from the fall 2010 lineup and I know I've been missing our favorite characters, the challenge for October and November is: Top Reasons to Watch Numb3rs.
This challenge will also go hand in hand with the fact that I really am trying to set up a Numb3rs rewatch. Life has just been so crazy lately, as I'm sure you all understand. What is it about fall that makes us so nuts??
For the Top Reasons to Watch Numb3rs challenge, any and all types of videos are welcome (gen, het, slash, het/slash) and encouraged!
This challenge will remain open until November 30th at 11:59pm (wherever you are).
Please read our rules and post to us - even if you don't have a video for the challenge! We welcome all Numb3rs fan made videos, video recs, or even brainstorming ideas for videos that should be made but haven't been.