
Sep 19, 2013 09:51

Каби́лы (от арабского «qaba’il», мн. ч. от قبيلة qabîlah- племя; кабильск.Leqbayel, [leqβajəl] (мн. ч.), Iqvayliyen [iqβajlijən] (ед. ч.)) - народ группыберберов на севере Алжира.

Традиционные поселения обычно располагаются на вершине горы и имеют 2 улицы: внутреннюю - для женщин и внешнюю - для мужчин; тесно поставленные друг к другу дома обращены наружу глухими стенами. Жители поселения образуют общину (таддарт, джамаат), возглавляемую вождём (амин, амеккран); она подразделяется на группы (адрум), включающие несколько родственных (в 4-5-м поколении) патрилинейных объединений (тараррубт), состоящих из больших патриархальных семей (ахам - букв.: большой дом).

В мужской одежде сохранились длинные рубахи, в женской - платья с кокеткой на плечах (хубба, тахуббат). Сохраняются пережитки доисламских земледельческих культов, фольклор.

а фот статевка удручающе мифологически идентична "истории" о происхождении казаков:

Kabyle Berbers are largely Mediterranean with a major Nordic contribution.[8]

Miss Kabyle 2011

The mountain agriculturalists are best represented by two groups of tribes: the Shawia [sic] and the Kabyles, the former living in the Aures Mountains south ofConstantine, and the latter in the coastal Djurjura [sic] immediately east of the city of Algiers. Both of these Berber groups are noted for their European-like features and fair skins; blondism of a high order is frequently attributed to them in the non-statistical literature. (...)
The notable fact about the Shawia is that, in a metrical sense, they are identical with northwestern European Nordics. One could substitute the means of the Shawia sample of Randall-MacIver and Wilkin for those of a characteristic eastern Norwegian province without serious discrepancy. (...)

The Kabyles of the Djurjura Mountains cover a considerable area, and probably vary regionally, as differences between various series would indicate. Some are very much like the Shawia, but those coming from the neighborhood of Tizi-Ouzou are shorter statured and smaller headed. They are, in fact, so constitued anthropometrically that they server as an example of a centrally placed early Mediterranean racial type, with certain modifications.
The stature of this group is moderate 164.6 centimetres (5.40 ft), the bodily proportions the same as those of the Shawia, and of most Nordics; at the same time comparable to those of Plateau Yemenis in Arabia. (...)

Basic map of the Germanic migrations in the Late Roman period, showing the Vandals progress into North Africa and beyond.On both anthropometric and somatoscopic grounds, one is led to the conclusion that the Kabyles represent a conglomerate survival of several of the more ancient North African racial elements; the major one is a central Mediterranean, with a slight negroid tendency or accretion; and this Mediterranean dates back to the days of Early Neolithic agriculture in North Africa. With it also survive traces of the Afalou men, whom we shall see in greater strenght farther west, and some of whom show a tendency to brachycephaly; and of Nordics, whenever and however they may have appeared in North Africa.
-The Races of Europe, pp. 476-477[8]

It is worth noting that during the "barbarian invasions" of the Late Roman Empire, the Germanic Vandal horde, which included whole tribes, invaded Roman North Africa by way of Roman Spain and settled there. Thus, presumably providing the above mentioned "Nordic" contribution to the area.

  • Y-Dna haplogroups, passed on exclusively through the paternal line, were found at the following frequencies in Kabylie: E1b1b1b (E-M81) (47.36%), R1*(xR1a) (15.78%) (later tested as R1b3/R-M269 (now R1b1a2)[13]), J1 (15.78%), F*(xH, I, J2,K) ( 10.52% ) andE1b1b1c (E-M123) (10.52%).[14] The North African pattern of Y-chromosomal variation (including both E1b1b and J haplogroups) is largely of Semitic origin.[15]

  • MtDNA Haplogroups, inherited only from the mother, were found at the following frequencies: H (32.23%), found throughout Europe;U* (29.03% with 17.74% U6), common to North Africa; preHV (3.23%), preV (4.84%), V (4.84%), T* (3.23%), J* (3.23%), L1(3.23%), L3e (4.84%), X (3.23%), M1 (3.23%), N (1.61%) and R (3.23%).


история, народы

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